Prolouge the assassin

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There's one thing I've learned from this job. It ain't easy especially if you have to result to taking another life. And amplify that by 10 when it's one of your own. When someone goes rouge... Well thankfully I only have to imagine that I'm a lone wolf on a 3 person team. Me josid no last name. The guy who assassinates people. Ironwood the general who gets the targets. And winter my caretaker. Guess it makes sense. Anyways enough chitchat. You know about me so let's get to my current mission...

8:50pm est Vale Dust shop.

Josid radio cuts on.

Ironwood: Josid are you seeing this white fang members taking from another dust shop. I need you to do some recon understand.

Josid begins to feel adrenaline course through his body his veins everywhere!

Josid: Yeah I get it don't fight them...

Suddenly two members go flying out of the window inside of the shop a girl holding a scythe with a scope attached to it smiles and looks at the white fang and starts cutting numbers down to size.

Josid is shocked he decides to get in on the fun. He leaps from the rooftop as ironwood is screaming in his ear.

Ironwood: Stop you'll ruin the mission get back here!
As josid leaps from the rooftop he begins too shrink. He lands at the size of an ant.

Josid: Fine I understand I'll stay back and head up top.

Ironwood says to him sternly but soft.

Ironwood: Thank you josid... Actually head back to ba...

Josid runs up the rooftop and tells back at ironwood.

Josid: Wait what! Are you being serious right now?

Ironwood says angrily

Ironwood: Get back NOW!

Josid grows to regular size and looks around the rooftop and sees a man in orange hop on too a airship. further more he sees a old friend of ironwood...

Josid: Ahhh afraid of Glynda ironwood?

Ironwood: Seriously come back immediately!

Josid decides to run straight into the action.

Ironwood: Damn it! Fine do what you need to do but just know your punishment is amped 10X higher!

Josid  smiles and breaks into his full sprint he slams his palms together forming his weapon. Two small grappling daggers. He leaps high into the air throwing his right dagger to the ship as he grapples on and zips up the side. Upon landing and rolling into the side he sees a man in white. Orange hair red tie and a bowler hat of sorts. He throws his cane up and fires a blast of fire energy.

???: Talk about a explosive entry!

Josid gets blown out of the side of the airplane and begins to start tumbling down.

He lands face first on the rooftop.

He looks up face with cuts and bruises his black combat outfit tattered. And most importantly his comm chip destroyed.

There's only one word for this... Josid thought to himself.

Josid: Shit..

Soon he hears footsteps. He tries desperately too shrink but then he realizes his semblance is out of juice from the jump he used. He stands up and decides too face his fate. But instead a man in black with a green scarf comes up too him.

???: That was quite a fall josid... Are you felling ok?

Before josid can say a word a girl with black hair and red accents. Speaks up.

???: I hope your feeling ok! Need anything checked?

Josid: one no I'm fine just bleeding. Two how the hell do you know who I am?

???: Ahhh ironwood and me are good good friends. My name is ozpin.

Josid feels less worried less tense. A secret that he's yet to unravel walks up to him like he hasn't been gone for a few years.

This is going to be either really really good or really really bad.

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