Chapter3: Devastating blow

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The airship begins to take off your heading to beacon academy!

You go looking around to see if you can find ruby or anyone you kinda know.

Someone screams your name in a very high-pitch voice!

You: Ruby is that you?

Ruby runs up and hugs you. This time you don't blush or feel embarrassed. You feel happy.

Ruby: How's it going (name)? Are you excited for beacon academy!?

You: It's going pretty good! Oh and yeah i'm very excited to go to beacon!

Ruby: Great i'm glad we'll be going to get.....

Yang: Lil sis!! In so glad your going to beacon with me! Oh and look its (name) nice to see you too!

You: Nice to meet you too yang I'll let you and ruby get...

Yang pulls you back as you walk away.

Yang: Don't leave now I still have a question for you. How did you and ruby even meet up?

You: I saw her at a school rally for beacon! she was stan---

Ruby cuts into your story.

Ruby: I was standing by a pillar at the lunch table and y/n walked over all nervous and was like "He--- hey! nice too meet you i'm y/n and we hit it off!

You: And that's how we became friend's!

Yang let's out a high pitched squeal.

Yang: That's .... So.... ADORABLE! You guys are just the cutest! Well I'll let you two be, I'm gonna look for someone new to beacon!

Ruby says goodbye than instantly turns back to you.

Ruby: Soooooo what are your goals for beacon? Other than becoming a hunter!

You: I want to see  Weiss. Build or finish my weapon---

Ruby's eyes went huge!!!


You try to calm her down. you can't think of anything.

You sit down and lean against a wall. You start to go to sleep.

When you wake up your being held by ruby you look up at her. She has a scared but soft look on her face.

Ruby: I'm so sorry! I didn't know this would happen to you!

You: I don't get it? Ruby what's wrong?

You then look down ruby is holdings you her hands cupped. When you fully get to your senses you realize... You shrank!

You: Oh ruby don't be scared its my semblance. I just have a hard time controlling it-- I'm sorry if I scared you ruby.

Ruby: Hey it's fine man-- Don't worry.

Ruby takes a deep breath

Ruby: I thought when I shook you to wake up I'd made you shrink! BUT WOW THAT'S A REALLY COOL SEMBLANCE!

You: Thanks one sec put me down over the----

You fly out of ruby's hand and slam on the ground. You scrape your left arm leaving a nasty bruise. Your hands are scratched all over trying to prevent your fall. Your body feels stiff and tron but you quickly stand up out of pure adrenaline. 

In the distant you see ruby getting yelled at by a girl in a white dress.

???: Watch where your going you dolt! Do you know how expensive dust is!?

Ruby looks very sad and tries to talk but the girl keeps bringing her down.
You go to regular size and run over too the mysterious girl!

You: Hey leave Ruby the hell alone! She just bumped into you that's alll what's your dam--

You pause mid sentence and look directly into Weiss  eyes.

Weiss: Oh no... This can't be happening...

Ruby chimes in!

Ruby: Is that your real sister!?

You: Yeah-- When I was first adopted.

Ruby face gets uneasy.

Weiss speaks up

Weiss: Because he was young and we didn't know he was a fanus. The schnee family name couldn't have such a....

A girl wearing a white blouse walks up to Weiss.

Girl: So what if he was a fauns! That doesn't give you the right to just give him away! This is exactly why I hate people like you guys!

You feel sad,crushed,destroyed the family you thought was your own wasn't yours... You look at ruby and turn away.

You: I'm going to go to orientation...

You began to walk over there with a high head but you begin to break down and cry You run and run until you reach the orientation center.

Your body shuts down and you begin too shrink. Your semblance is still not under your control. Your pain builds and cries become more dramatic.

You: Hey! Someone help me! I'm alone. Again. Always.

Your too small for anyone too hear. Tears take up your field of view.

You run up on to a banister and try too calm yourself down.

Ozpins speech begins.

Ozpin: Welcome students of beacon academy. Please be safe and enjoy yourself. We will give you guys some dates. Starting Monday next week you will go to emerald Forrest. There you'll look for 4 other people. Now why 4 instead of 3? The reason why we have 4 people is because of the rise of the Grimm population..
Either way everyone can head to the barracks and rest up dorms will be passed out soon.

You see a crowd of people moving to the guest center.
(Maybe I should just stay here.) You think to yourself then someone comes up on top and looks at you. There eyes piercing your back.

Girl: Your ears? Who would have thought? A cat like fanus?

You turn around and see a girl with long black hair, and a cat bow on top of her head.

You: Hey your the girl who talked to Weiss aren't you!?

Girl: Yeah, I'm Blake.

You: Hey nice to meet you. I'm y/n

You start shaking a little bit. And tears roll down your cheek

Blake looks at you sadly.

You: Sorry, I just wish that went smoother.

Blake picks you up and cups her hands around you. You feel kinda scared.

Blake: I understand it's ok too cry man. I'll hold you and walk you back to the dorms.

A voice shouts behind the both of you

Yang: Blake!! I found you! Come on were gonna be late at the guest dorms!

Blake quietly turns around and walks over with a girl in blonde leading the way.

She pulls you in close and softly speaks to you.

Blake: How about you rest in my hand?

You shake your head yes and try too sleep. The movement and swaying of Blake cupped hands keep you awake.

You guys begin your walk to the dorm.

End of chapter3
Thanks for reading guys tell me of you want longer chapters like this or shorter ones like before!

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