Chapter 10 The truth...

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As cinder walks out the store you have some time to be left alone.

(Wow this school life is crazy... the people i've met, Beacon's powerful students, The team...)

(At Least I got away from it all.) Your scroll vibrates. (wonder who that is?)

Scroll reads: YANG: Hey man how's the food pickup going we're hungry >_<

You text her back: At the dinner up now be back soon.

You close your scroll. (Sorry jaune and Ren I gotta help my team) 

You walk up to the counter.

You: hello I'd like tow large pizza's and one 6pack of boneless BBq wings.

Register guy: Would you like a 2liter soda for 99 cents?

You: Sure.

To your right ren and jaune walk inside the store.

You: hey guys sorry I ordered early Gotta hurry back.

Ren: Don't blame ya one bit. Going to be a hard time caring food back alone. 

You: yeah your right! *chuckles lightly* anyway you guys I got to get going. talk to you guys next time!

You leave the restaurant and head home.

Ruby: HEEEY your back! WE'RE SO HUNGRY!

You: Calm down ruby(you laugh to yourself lightly) here the pizza.

The team gathers around the center of the rooms and begins to dig in.

Blake: this is quaint. very quiet.

You: Yeah your right. hey team listen up!

the team looks at you. 

You: I have to be 100% honest with you guys. i'm sorry if things feel like they're moving really fast... but I got to tell the truth to you guys... *you take a deep breath*

You: You guys know the terrorist group white fang? I used to work for them. The parents I had the brother all cover-ups for me. I'm really still a orphan...  
SO what about, Weiss being my sister I remember every waking moment of it. ITS A LONG STORY! and i'm going to tell it you guys. It started at a young age parents probably couldn't pay for me as a kid maybe they were criminals in love and went too far, Hell they probably didn't want me let's be real. *you choke back something* (regret, sadness?) Anyways here I was in some orphanage in district12 did i like? No not really no one hated me there I didn't get made fun of. No I just wanted  to run... RUN AND RUN I wanted to find my parents my family. anything. Anyways at a young age Weiss's parents found me... They asked me how I was doing they took me out for the day and talked to me. They liked me. Soon there I was at Weiss house I was a year younger than her she was 5 I was 4 we loved running around and playing a lot. 

You look at Weiss she begins to shed a tear.

You: Anyway one day her dad came back kinda mad.. scratch that he was LIVID Pissed off. I asked him something and he threw some object at me. I got pretty scared Weiss stood up for me... That didn't go over the best ANYWAYMOVINGON! Around the same time they noticed my head was different than usual. I had two little ears growing in on top of my head since they weren't fans of the fauns I went to sleep one day and woke up back in the good ol' orphanage. Well I didn't care I was mad at the world. only 5 years old and all this pent up rage. You see at a young age you learn and latch on to things relatively fast. so I packed my stuff and left. And I did what I should've done all those years ago... run. I ran for miles. slept out in alleyways,caves,Forrest areas. Eventually I learned my shrinking ability and upgraded to motels,hotels other buildings. It was also much easier to get food since I could shrink things down with me. After that I eventual ran into some faunus guy he was walking down the street and he had a similar face that I faintly knew. He had sharp red hair. I knew exactly who it was... I dashed through a crowd of people and yelled at the top of my lungs... Dad don't deny me you bastard I was looking for you for years own up to what you did. What you made! WHY IS THIS WORLD SO DAMN CRUEL HUH IS THAT WHY YOU LEFT ME ABANDONED ME IS THAT WHY YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TRAIN ME! Is that why! 

You notice tears are streaming down your face the team looks upset at you they all seem sad (especially weiss) you quickly try to fix that...

Anyways.. *ahem* That man was nowhere near close too mar father but instead a young faunus named Adam. Pretty nice guy before that bit--- I mean cinder got to him. Anyways He helped me I needed money and I thought I was helping the white fang so I decided why not. I did some missions until one went really badly. cops showed then ironwood and the team I was with ditched my ass and left me to die. But ozpin my AMAZING GTFO outa jail free card found me let me out and promised me If I can turn my life around come to a real school and live a real life then he would drop all charges. And of course I figured that doesn't sound too bad... so that brings me to the present. and I know what your thinking but what happened to timid,quiet, Josid? Well that has too stop It's simply and act. SO there you guys wanted me as a team leader to be 100% honest with you so I thought I would be. Sorry for shedding some tears back there.. anyways there you go Real and uncut Take whatever you like from it.

The team's in shock..

You: Oh and Blake Practice what you preach. I'll take every one's trash up.

Yang gets up and walks over to you she wraps her arms around you and hugs you tight.

You: Yang no need for the hugs...

You notice she's crying. tear drops falling onto your shoulder.

You: It's fine just my life nothing to be sad about... it's over now.

Yang: I know.. *sniff*  I Just feel for you. I know what it's like to have someone lost and going out to find them! and never seeing them for the rest of your life no matter how bad you search!

The team's at unease and you definitely feel it.

You: I get it now... *ahem* anyways Team tomorrow is the next day Friday and after we finish classes I got some fun team-building exercise to talk about so be prepared! 

Yang let's go off you with a huge grin on her face. 

Yang: Ok i'm excited.

Weiss: I'm not going to lie Y/N Thanks for being real with the team no secrets nothing to hide makes our lives much easier. thanks again.

You:Don't sweat it. Alright team let's get some sleep and be ready for tomorrow!

You leave the room and take out the trash. when you return yang's in her bed sleeping peacefully. Blake is sprawled out mumbling in her sleep. and Weiss is in the usual peaceful princess sleep position. Ruby's still up. 

You: *whispers*ruby you still up? 

she doesn't respond. You see her covers and peek underneath them she looks like she's thinking. 

You: ruby you ok. 

Ruby: yeah great just litening to music nothing special... 

For the first time since you met ruby she's sad.. was it something I said you wonder?

You: ruby was it me did I say something? 

Ruby: No your story got me thinking... 

You: OH anyways what are you listing too. 

She turns her phone it reads Red like roses part2. 

You:Huh interesting pick for you. Song's not half-bad. 

You smile and head over to yang. carefully you get into bed and shrink. you drift off into sleep.

A/N why did this chapter take so long? 1317 Words there's the answer right there anyways I'm going to do a Q/A with you guys so if you have any questions or suggestions for the story i'll cover that.

For example: What's your fav RWBY SONG? and i'll answer Toss up between Rwby it's my turn(link this chapter) Or DIE Season2. hard to decided! anyways more uploads soon (this time for real lol) check yall later

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