Chapter6- Combat arena *sigh*

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After the exchange the team gets ready for the school day.

You: Alright team first order of business is breakfast. After that it's the history class. Then science on the Grimm. And for the rest of the day the combat arena!

Ruby: Sounds like a pretty nice schedule. Especially the combat arena part!

Yang: You forgot one thing y/n...

You: What I did? Oh right lunch after the arena then we're free for the day!

Blake: Speaking of classes don't you think we should get going?


The team dashes out the door  and sprints to the breakfast room. By the time they get there breakfast just opened.

You: Just in time!

The line was serving a nice breakfast. Toast,waffles,ppancakes,etc! It was a create your own breakfast line. Simply beautiful.

Yang: Hey y/n why do you talk to yourself out loud?

(You blush to yourself)

You: Ummm noreasonreallyletsjuatgoeat!

The team grabs food and sits down at a table. The table allows for one more team to sit at.

The team jwnpa Sits down.

Juane: Hey team rwbyj how's it going?

Ruby: Remember the j Is silent

Jaune: Right...

You: *ahem* Were doing pretty good for a first day.  how are YOU Juane I saw you got pinned to that tree... twice.... did it hurt?

Jaune looks at you and shutters.

Juane: Yes... Wait y/n you haven't met my team!

The team begins introducing themselves. A girl with pink hair and a heart keyhole talked first.

Nora: Hey my names nora!

Next was a girl you knew phyrra

You: Red hair? Are you phyrra nikkos?

Phyrra: *sigh* yes I am..

You: Cool. By the way I will destroy you in the arena.

Next was a boy with black hair and a pink stripe in his hair. He looked Asian.

Ren: Names ren.

You ( quick and to the point he's cool!)

Last was the girl you saw on the bus. She dyed her hair blue with green streaks.

Azura: Hey y/n you where that kid on the bus! Nice to formally meet you.

You: Yeah it is nice. Well I would love to chat more but our classes are about to start.

The teams get up and walk over to the first class history.

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