Chapter1 "Why now of all time's..."

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You get onto a train and sit next to a girl with green hair...

Mysterious girl: Hey there! what's your name? 

You look and see a puzzled look on her face. You then take off your headphones. 

You: Oh sorry i couldn't hear you I had my headphones in...

She gives you a warm smile and began to talk to you

Mysterious girl: It's fine. I asked what's your name?

You: oh it's (insert name here). what's your's?

Mysterious girl: Oh mine it's Azura I'm heading to the dust shop in central city. Where are you going too?

You: Oh I'm heading hom... 

The intercom comes on cutting off your sentence

Intercom: We've arrived at district Slums#12...

You: That's my stop. Have good day Azura!

Azura: Oh ok i'll see you later!

You tip the bus driver and get off the bus.

You: Well here we are home sweet home...

Someone yells your name you quick snap around


You feel a flurry of  punches pounding on you! It's hard to breath bruises overtake your body and it's difficult too stand move or do anything. Their sheer number of thugs overpowering any bit of your combat training makes you weak. worthless.

White fang grunt: That's what you get when you turn down a request from our leader!

White fang grunt: Next time i'll  sho....

the white fang member looks up in awe. Says sorry to you and backs away...

Leader: See if you just did my homework for those weeks this wouldn't have happened... Pass me my ak... 

The man points it directly at y/n head

Your body stiffens as a orange colored rifle is passed to the leader of this gang. Your scared stiff. No time to breathe you feel your eyes narrowing.

Leader: So you ready to die? Or you gonna to join us and be about that life?

You look up at him and something kicks inside of you. you began to feel your body getting smaller... you shrink down as the gang members look around rapidly looking for you.


You pass out....

10 hours go by...

You wake up on top of your bed.

You: What the hell... I had one crazy dream so surreal and strange i felt everything. 

You get up and began to walk into the living room.

You: Hey Mom how's it going.

She rushes over and hugs you.

Mom: I'm so glad your awake your brother sensed your aura and picked you up! Why we're you so small and so low on aura?! what's going on (Name)... Are you feeling better?

You: So it wasn't a dream? I don't know why but the gang jumped me..He Had a weapo... It was a-- a-- a gun. I cou----Couldn-----Couldn't move. I almost died today--- I was scared.

Mom: Save it just rest up besides tomorrow you'll leave the slums! Mr. Ozpin will pick you up at 5:35AM. Are you all packed up?

You: Yes I am. Thanks for everything I think i'm going to hang out with Josid.

Mom: That sounds great let you brother have some fun before you....

You: I'll be fine Mom don't worry!

you head into the living room...

You: Hey Josid how's it going?!

Josid: Hey bro I'm doing great! Are you doing ok?

You: Yeah just a little freaked out after all that happened all be just fine.

Josid: You want to play a video game?

You: Sure i'll play a game with you josid...

Both of you guys play far into the night much laughter is had! Your farther returns home with some food and you guys eat up.

Dad: It's time for you guys to head to bed! (Name) Has a long day ahead of him!

You: Yep Good night guys...

You head into your home and goto sleep...

End of chapter1

Arthur's notes

Hope you guys are digging the Xreader to be honest I'm not a fan of the most popular one feels to mary-sue for me. If you guys enjoy this read! Spread it around, follow my account, and add it to your library!

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