Chapter Thirteen

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Jessie's POV

I shivered, moving closer to Petra as we walked, hating how cold I felt.

We were moving from plains to now a biome I've never been in before.

One with trees spread here and there with more or less lightly colored grass.

There were some hills here and there, but it was mostly flat.

But it was hard to concentrate on anything but the way Petra almost flinched every time we touched because of how cold I was.

Chapter Thirteen- Attackers

Her red hair bounced slightly as she walked, the only thing keeping her sidebangs in place being the bandana she wore.

She didn't wear her helmate as much as I thought she would, but in all honesty...

I couldn't imagine her without the blue bandana tied around her head.

"You doing okay? You've been kinda quiet today." She interrupts the silence.

I turn my head over to her, smiling and nodding before keeping my eyes focused on the path ahead.

I could tell she didn't believe my answer, and she wanted a better one.

Everyone else was slightly father ahead of us, so we could talk quietly without being heard.

I hated when they were a good distance when I didn't want to talk to Petra.

"Look, I know this has to be hard on you, and I'm trying to get it, I am. But I can't just keep guessing. You need to tell me what's going on." She mutters, keeping her voice low.

I shrug, seeing her shiver as my arm shifts along hers.

"I'm fine. Trust me." I whisper, wishing she would drop the subject.

She shakes her head.

"Stop avoiding this. You're a freezing cold ice block. Tell me what's wrong or I will be forced to attack you with tulips." She threatens, making me scared for a second until I think over what she just said to me.

"Tulips?" I question, shivering.

She nods.

"Tulips. You'll never see it comin." She states simply, a seriousness in her voice that I prefer not to hear.

I shake my head, clutching my arms.

"Please just drop it. I don't want to talk right now okay?" I snap, making her eyes widen.

I feel bad for snapping, I do, but I can't apologize for it right now.

The only sound as we continue to walk is the crunching of brittle grass beneath our boots.

She seems to think it over before she crosses her arms.

"You remember what Jennifer said right? About tomorrow? Whatever your hiding you won't be able to hide it, you'll just say it. So if you don't tell me now, you'll just tell me tomorrow." She says bitterly.

I stop, and she does too.

My eyes burned, I'm not sure if it was from tears or anger, but Petra was taken aback by whichever one it was.

"Don't you think I know that?! It sucks that if I'm hiding anything that I won't be able to control my mouth! I hate being this cold, and I hated talking backwards!" I growl, sounding like I'm shouting.

Maybe I wasn't but to me I sounded like I was shouting.

Petra took a step back, looking almost scared.

I thought it was what I had said, maybe my tone had been too harsh.

But when her hand raised, nearly shaking, I realized that whatever she was afraid of was behind me.

Shaking from both cold and fear, I slowly turn to see what she could be pointing at.

My own eyes widen at the sight.

Dozens of Wither Wolves rushing towards us, looking like a wave of purple over the grasslands.

"Not again." I whimper, gaining the attention of the red head once more.

Her eyes narrow and she draws her golden-enchanted sword, glaring out at the sea of wolves moving towards us.

"No. This time I'll have your back." She promises, making me look up from my hands, which had made their way over my eyes.

The way she rested her hand on my freezing shoulder without a flinch in reassurance, the way her eyes blinked slowly as if to be reminding me she was here, all of it reminded me of why I fell for her in the first place.

"Thanks. You always do have my back." I mutter, pulling out my own enchanted diamond sword.

The handle made a crackling noise, making me shift to see ice forming around my hand.

Am I really that cold?

I shook it off as we charged towards the wolves, hitting any that snap at us.

My sword, now seeming to have its blade edged with ice, scared the creatures, and they stuck together when attacking me.

One jumped at me, trying to tackle me down, but Petra hit it square in the muzzle, making it hit the ground with a harsh sounding thump.

While she nodded to me, one tried to tackle her to the ground, but as soon as my sword struck its side, it ran for the hills.

They were getting closer, and we were ready to fight, but something jumped down in front of us from on of the few trees around us, ears flattened to the back of her head.

It takes me a second to realize who it is, and I'm almost worried when I do.

Jen landed in a super hero-like pose, claws digging into the dirt, teeth bared and a low growl forcing its way from her throat.

The wolves skidded to a halt in front of her, looking afraid of her.

"You will go back to The Master." She spits, making one step forward, angling its ears in certain ways.

"I don't care what he told you. Go. Back." She snaps, making the wolf shoot her a hard glare before bounding away, the rest of them following suite.

Once they had all teleported away, she gets up, letting her ears reset to their normal stature.

She dusted off her knees, looking up at us.

"Come on. Saving your butts is a set back. We need to get moving." She states simply before moving to where the other stand watching.

We share a look, an awkward one, but then we follow, knowing that she's right.

We can't waste time.

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