Chapter Five

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Lukas' POV

I was worried to say the least.

Jessie and Petra seemed upset after their walk, and I was left in the dark as always as to what was going on.

Though, I guess I can say I'm not alone.

Olivia and Axel are completely left out too.

But I have to say...

Can I really blame her?

She was attacked by a swarm of purple wolves and got bit.

She probably needs some time yo register it all.

Even if it takes longer than the wither storm.

Chapter Five- The Air is Filled With Blame

"She blames me. I know it. I just know it!" Olivia groans, setting her head down of the surface in front of us.

We all sat on the stairs made into chairs, around a nice table.

I have to say I did an amazing job in the dining room.

"Come on Olivia. You can't keep blaming yourself." I point out, making Axel look up from eating for all of two seconds.

"Yeaf! Wath hese seed!" He mumbles, making me roll my eyes.

She laughs at the words that I don't think she quite understood, but then goes back to glaring down at the table.

"Yes I can. I left Jessie alone to be jumped by wolves. How more cowardly could I have been?" She asked, making Axel and I share a knowing look before he decides to say it.

He swallows before doing so.

Thank Notch.

"Is this really just about Jessie?" He asks, making her look up at us, eyes wide in confusion.

She seems to not understand, so I continue with Axel's theory.

"I think what Axel means to say is, I don't think you just feel guilty. Are you feeling like your a coward for not doing more?" I ask, making her open her mouth to say something.

It looked like she wanted to deny it, but instead she shut her mouth, looking down sadly.

Axel and I share a sad glance.

Why was it that when we agreed on something we had to be right?

"I mean, yeah. I guess so. I just wish I could've done something other than run for help." She mutters.

I shake my head, slowly having an idea pop into my head.

"Then why don't we start making sure of that?" I suggest, making Axel look a little confused as well.

They both stare at me until I grumble and have to finish the statement myself.

"If you don't want to be the one running for help, we're gonna need an amazing training montage." Petra says suddenly, making us all turn to see her leaning on the door frame.

I nod to her, kinda wishing she put it more delicately than that, but it was a start.

"And honestly? Even if you had stayed it might not have been enough. Jessie seems to think the wolves attacks were planned. But even if that's just her trying to justify why she couldn't fight them off, the two of you would have both been bit in the end." She explains, walking around the table to sit across from me.

Olivia looks over at her.

"I guess that's true. But where's Jessie?" She asks, making Petra sigh.

"In her room. Resting. I doubt she's actually asleep. But she looked slightly better than yesterday." The red head points out.

That's always how it is, better than yesterday.

I can't help but feel like one day... It won't be better than yesterday.

We were silent for a moment, none of us daring to speak what we thought out loud.

That is, until I couldn't take it anymore.

"What if she doesn't heal?" I ask, barely hearing my own voice.

No one seems to want to answer the question, so we sit in silence again.

That is, until the last thing I wanted to hear split through the silence.

A scream sounded from the streets, sending us all to our feet.

"This can't be good." Axel mutters.

We rushed into the main hall and towards the door, joined by Jessie who struggled to keep up as we rushed out to the scream, where people were gathered around the amulet replica in the middle of town.

The citizens were whispering to each other about whatever was in their sights, not moving even as some noticed us.

Axel shoulders his way through the crowd, making a path for us so we can reach the center.

In all honesty, I almost wish we hadn't.

There in the middle of the crowd was a girl, standing on the golden part of the replica, looking afraid and defensive against the crowd.

I stopped dead, and I think the others did too.

I'm not sure.

But I guess its reasonable to stop dead when this was the reason.

Petra's mouth hung open while Jessie was actually rubbing her eyes to check if she was actually seeing right.

Olivia pinched herself a few times while Axel did a few double takes.

There, standing before the entire town was a girl.

A shorter one than most of us, but she looked terrible.

Her medium length brown hair was slightly matted and messy, like she's been traveling through a wind tunnel, and her eyes stayed wide with fear.

Her purple plaid shirt was torn at the sleeves, making it short sleeved, and the colar was sitting ragged.

But none of that would have set us into shock.

Or make someone scream.

What made us all freeze, and terrified at the sight...

Was the fact that this girl had a tail...

And fluffy wolf ears to match.

What the heck is happening to our world?


So yeah... This wasn't fluffy, or really anything big, more of an establishing chapter. Anyway, just so you all know I'm planning on having this story be kinda short in length, knowing how I get bored after long amounts of time, and will move rather quickly. Either way, the chapters will be worked hard on, and I will try to get them up as soon as possible.

Hope you're all enjoying the story and I'll catch you all later!


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