Chapter Four

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*reupdate because I deleted the chapter by accident*

Petra's POV

The sun beamed down onto our heads through the leaves, creating tiny shreds of light onto the forest floor.

The walk was something I think she desperately needed, though she didn't look calmer than when she was cooped up in the fortress.

If anything... She looked ten times more tense than before.

Her eyes darted around us, like she was trying to keep an eye on everything at once.

But it seemed like she was waiting for something to jump out at us...

Her bandaged arm was itched at every once and a while, but it was weird, almost like a bite from some sort of spider.

But this wasn't any spider bite.

This was a Wolf Bite.

Chapter Four- Wolf Bite

We walked side by side in silence, just trying to shake off the awkwardness that had fallen over us in the past hour.

Originally I had invited her on the walk just before dawn when I found her awake in the main room of the fortress.

But she refused the offer, almost like she was afraid to be outside at night.

Though after the battle we often sent out at night to let out some anger on the monsters that dared cross our path.

She reaches down to itch her arm again and I find myself growing restless.

"Jessie... You really shouldn't do that." I point out, making her look over at me in confusion.

"Huh? Do what?" She asks, cocking her head to the side.

I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes as I stop, making her do the same.

"Don't play dumb, or you'll have to answer to my fists." I say, putting them up in a joking manner.

She cracks a small smile before letting it twist back to a frown.

"Well, I don't want that.." She trails, itching her bandage again, lighter than before, "It itches."

Her voice is small, and sounds almost afraid.

"No wolf has ever bitten me and made the bite itch." She explains, unable to stop itching at her arm.

Annoyed, I place my hand on top of hers, making it impossible for it to move.

A blush brightens her cheeks at the simple act, making me confused as to why.

"Even more reason to not itch it. If you want to get better, you need to not continuously reopen the bite from all this itching." I state, trying to say it more kindly than it came out.

Her eyes narrow but the blush doesn't leave her cheeks.

"What? You think I'm reopening the bite?" She asks, looking offended that I would even suggest such a thing.

I grumble, wishing she wouldn't take this the wrong way.

"What am I supposed to think? That it just won't heal? That it reopens itself?" I ask, trying to keep the argument down to a minimal.

It wasn't working very well.

"I don't know! It won't heal! Its been a couple days and it hasn't healed. Every other wound I've ever had fades after a few minuets!" She exclaims, throwing her arms into the air, making me pull away slightly.

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