Chapter 32

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One more chapter left!

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck." Killian started to panic. "Can you walk? We have to get to the hospital!"

"I'm fine!" Emma yelled with a laugh.

"Let's get to the car." He grabbed her hand and ran to the parking lot. He helped her into the car and started the drive to the closest hospital. While he was driving, he called Mary Margaret and David, telling them where they were going to be. Once pulling in to the parking lot, Emma got out of the car and screamed in pain. Killian ran to her and came up behind her and held her against his chest. She squeezed his hands and screamed in pain again. He helped her walk up to the entrance and nurses rushed to them with a wheelchair. Emma sat down and they all rushed her to a hospital room.

"No, I can't have my baby here! I haven't been seen here!" Emma yelled.

"We have doctors here that will take care of you, Miss Swan. They all know what they're talking about." A nurse said and walked out of the room.

Killian helped her change out of her dress and into the gown provided from the hospital. Emma laid down in the bed and Killian sat in the chair next to her. He held onto her hand, reassuring her that he was still there.

"This sucks." She mumbled while playing with his fingers. "I didn't want to go into labor today. I was planning to clean the bathroom."

Killian chuckled beside her. "Did you now?"

"Yes. I had a very busy schedule. Going into labor was not apart of the plan."

"Don't worry, love, you can always go through your schedule after Henry is born."

"No, because then I'll have a baby to take care of."

"You'll have me."

Emma playfully glared at him. "You are a child stuck in a man's body."

"I am not!" He leaned forward and smirked. "You know me. I am anything but a boy. We can always test that theory out if you'd like." He raised his eyebrow and Emma blushed bright red.

Another hour passed, filled with painful contractions, but, she still wasn't anywhere near ten centimeters dilated. David and Mary Margaret walked into the room just as Emma collapsed back onto the bed from a contraction. Killian stepped out of the room with David while Mary Margaret sat down next to her daughter, brushing her damp hair out of her face.

"Did you bring my bag?" Emma asked, trying to catch her breath.

"I did." Mary Margaret nodded.

"Mom, I don't know if I can do this."

"Don't say that! You are a beautiful, strong woman, and nothing is going to happen. You are going to give birth to your son and everything will be fine."

"But what happens when I look at him? What if I see Neal?"

"Neal isn't around to hurt you anymore. All you will see when you look at that child will be love. Love that he got from you and Killian. That boy will have the biggest heart because you two raised him right."

"You think?"

"I know."

Meanwhile, Killian was in the hallway with David, but he wasn't his usual calm self. He was pacing the hallway, gripping his hair in his hands.

"Calm down, Killian." David said, trying to get the younger man to relax.

"How can I relax when my girlfriend is going to give birth to a bastard's child? What am I supposed to say to the lad when he starts questioning about his real father? I can't lie! I just want to be there for him and Emma, but I can't do that if I'm panicking over this shit!" Killian paused and looked through the small window and saw Emma and Mary Margaret talking. "I just want them to be happy and safe."

"I know. But freaking out about this won't solve anything. You can cross that bridge when you come to it. Remember, Emma needs your support as much as you need hers. Don't be afraid to tell her your concerns. A relationship is built on trust and faith. Whatever obstacle you come across, you can face together. The exact way that you have crossed ever barrier when you first got together."

Killian leaned against the wall and sighed. "But what if I can't do it?"

"Of course you can do it. Mary Margaret and I are terrible parents. We faked our deaths and missed her growing up."

"But it was to keep her safe. She can understand that as much as I."

"My point is, is that we ran way from the fight. You didn't. Are you going to run now?"


"Then get back in there." David clapped him on the back. "You can do it."

Killian nodded and went in with Emma. Mary Margaret and David gave their daughter a kiss on the head and left the room. A few hours later, the doctor came in with nurses. She looked over Emma with a clipboard in her hands.

"My name is Jane Winters. I'll be your doctor today." She said, introducing herself. She sat down at Emma's feet and pulled the blanket over her waist. "Are you ready to push?"

Killian stood up and grabbed Emma's hand. He kissed her lightly. "You can do this!"

She nodded and waited for Dr. Winter to tell her when to push. "Push!" Emma did just that, and squeezed Killian's hand tightly. She relaxed and pushed again when the doctor said so. "One more big push! The baby is crowning."

She pushed again, and relaxed when she felt that the baby was finally out. She collapsed onto the pillows and her eyes started to droop. The nurses cleaned him up. Killian watched with wide eyes as the nurses rushed him around the room, but they didn't make a move to hand him to either Emma or Killian.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked.

"Killian?" Emma asked. "I want my baby."

"I know, love."

Dr. Winters walked over to them with a frown. "He is having a hard time holding his body heat. We're just going to run some tests to make sure he's okay." All the nurses walked out with Dr. Winter's following them.

Emma started to sob. Killian turned to her and held her against his chest. "It's going to be okay."

"It isn't!"

"A lot of babies have this problem."

Mary Margaret and David came in a few minutes later with big smiles on their faces, but when they saw the new parents' faces, their smiles immediately faded. "What happened?" David asked.

"Henry isn't holding his body heat."

Mary Margaret and David sat down in the spare chairs in the corner of the room and anxiously waited for any news. A few hours later, a nurse came in with a smile on her face. Emma sat up with hope filling in her chest. Killian stirred in his sleep before his eyes fluttered open. David and Mary Margaret were still asleep. "Do you want to see your son?" She asked. Emma nodded and the nurse brought Henry over. She placed him in Emma's arms. "I'll be back in a little bit to show you how to breastfeed."

Emma looked down and Henry yawned. His eyes fluttered open to reveal a brown. Emma's heart stopped for a moment and she looked up at Killian. "It's Henry, love." He whispered. "Your son. Neal isn't here."

She nodded and looked back to Henry. "He's beautiful."

"He has his mother's looks."

Emma laughed. "Do you promise me that he won't be anything like his dad?"

"Yes, Swan. I do."

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