Chapter 11

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Killian brought a tray of food to her. There was eggs, bacon, strawberries, and pancakes on it. He placed it on the bed in front of her and leaned down to kiss her.

"After you eat, get dressed. I have a surprise for you." He said.

She nodded and watched him leave the room. He walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen and started to clean up.

"How is she?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She is shaken up. It took awhile for her to calm down after she moved in with me. She still has nightmares."

"We shouldn't have stayed away that long." David said.

"David, if we didn't, you know what would have happened." Mary Margaret said.

"I know, but I could have stopped that!"

"Her getting kidnapped was a lot better than her dying. You both did the right thing." Killian said.

David nodded. "How are you treating her, Jones?"

"Very well, sir. She is under my care and protection all the time. Ever since she moved to Storybrooke."

"You're a good guy, Killian. But if you hurt her, I'll hurt you."

"David!" Mary Margaret scolded as she hit him on the arm.

"Don't worry, Mr. Nolan. I have no intention of doing so." Killian said.

They all turned around and stopped their conversation as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Emma stopped in her tracks as she saw her parents. Tears built up in her eyes as she saw them. Mary and David stood up and hugged their daughter. Killian stood back and watched the family interaction. Emma pulled away and looked at them.

"Y-you were dead." She said stuttering.

David shook his head. "No. We had to fake our deaths. Neal threatened to kill you if we didn't leave. He was going to kill you, and then us. We had to protect you."

She walked over to Killian. "Did you know that they were alive?"

He shook his head. "I just found out this morning when they knocked on the door."

She glanced at her parents. "You guys missed my prom. My graduation. You didn't get to send me away to college. I was forced to deal with all of that on my own!"

"Emma, we know you are mad, but we had to protect you." Mary Margaret said.

"I am way more than mad. You left me! All to protect me? I was kidnapped and held for three years!"

"Please, just let us explain."

She shook her head. "You guys left, and what I went through was much worse than death." She said and stormed out of the house.

Killian gave them a look of understanding as he ran after her. He caught up to her as she changed her run into a slow jog. When he came around and faced her, he saw the tears flowing down her face. He brought her in for a hug and ran his hand up and down her back.

"It's okay, love." He whispered in her ear.

"They were alive this whole time." She muttered in his chest.

"I know it's a lot to handle, but at least they are here for you now."

"I can't do this! With the court for Neal and Will, and now them being alive this whole time? I-It's just too much."

"Relax, Swan."

She took a few deep breaths and moved over to the sidewalk and sat on the curb. He sat next to her and twirled her hair around in his fingers.

"Why don't we go back to our house, you can talk to them, tell them everything that happened and what they missed out on. When they leave, we'll get ready for our date." He suggested.

She sighed and put her head on his shoulder. "Sounds like a perfect idea."

He kissed the top of her head and stood up, extending a hand for her to take. "Good. Shall we?"

She stood up and looped her arm through his. "We shall."

They walked back hand in hand. He opened the door again and she stepped through, immediately trapping her parents in a hug. "Mom, dad, I am so glad you are back." Emma smiled at them. She glanced over at Killian and held her hand out. He placed his in it and gave it a squeeze when she pulled in him closer. "You never had a chance to scare Killian when we moved in together during high school."

David pulled out of the hug and looked at Killian with a dead serious look on his face. "You two did what?"

"David, he obviously did good. Don't scare him." Mary Margaret said.

David took another step forward and put his hand on Killian's shoulder. "Yea, I know." He gave a small smile.

"Are you guys planning to stay in Storybrooke?" Emma asked.

"We want to wait until Neal is behind bars before we move back permanently. Speaking of, we should get going." David said.

His wife nodded and they both kissed their daughter on the forehead. "We'll see you soon." She whispered before slipping out the door.

As the door shut, Emma felt her knees start to get weak. She took a few steps back to try to lean up against the counter, but she wasn't fast enough. Instead of hitting the counter, she pushed a few chairs as she stumbled, which caught Killian's attention. He moved fast and caught her in his arms before she fell to the floor.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked.

She nodded. "I guess the events of today just caught up to me. That's all."

He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the couch. "Are you sure you're alright?"

She nodded. "I promise."

He placed his cheek on her forehead. He felt her temperature and placed a kiss to it. "You're a little warm. Maybe we should go out some other night."

She nodded a little bit before placing a hand over her mouth. "Bucket." She managed to say.

He sprung up from the couch and grabbed a small waste bucket and placed it in her freed hand and grabbed her hair. She threw up into it while having him rub her back in small soothing circles. When she finished, she leaned back on the couch and he took the bucket and cleaned it out. He returned to her with a blanket, pillow, a glass of water, and a mint.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she laid her head in his lap. "I have been nothing but a burden since I came here."

"Don't ever say that, Swan. It is my pleasure taking care of you. It reminds me that you still want me."

"Of course I still want you. I need you because I love you. I just don't like you seeing me this way. It can't be pretty."

He shook his head. "You are pretty in the early hours of the morning, in the late hours of the night, whether you have makeup or not, whether you are sick or not. You are bloody gorgeous all the time."

She placed her hand on his knee for support as she sat up. "Can you take me to bed?"

He nodded and gave her a smile. Killian carried her into her upstairs and started going to his room when she gave him a confused look. "You can lay in my room. If you actually want me to move your stuff in there, I can do it. There is plenty of room for your clothes as well as mine." He said with a small smirk as he placed her on the side of the king sized bed.

"I'd like that." He helped Emma into the bed and get all of the blankets around her so she was warm. "Can you lay with me until I fall asleep?" She asked.

He nodded and climbed over to the other side of the bed. He laid beside her and engulfed her in his warmth. "Rest now, love."

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