Chapter 16

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Emma went down to the sheriff's station later in the day. She opened the door and walked to Graham's office where he sat behind the desk staring at the computer screen. She knocked on the doorframe and looked at him.

"Emma, what brings you here?" He asked standing up.

"Well, I was actually looking for a job. I wanted to see if you have any openings." She told him.

"Hmm, well I do need a deputy."

"Do you have anything else that would require me to just stay here all day?"

"Well, I can take all of the action out in the town, but the occasional crime is just a bar fight. You know the drill. Why do you ask?"

She sighed and put her hand over her stomach. "I'm pregnant."

"That's wonderful!" He said moving over to hug her. Emma could tell that there wasn't that much enthusiasm in his voice. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, I guess."

"You aren't happy about the baby?" Graham asked.

"I am, but it's Neal's." She choked out. Tears filled her eyes and made her vision blurry. She quickly moved her head away from him so he wouldn't see. "This was stupid. Just forget I was even here."

He grabbed her arm as she started to walk away. "Hey, it's alright." He pulled her back to him, but to the place she was just standing in. "If you want the job it's yours."

She smiled brightly at him. "Really?"

"Yes." He handed her a golden badge. "Here you are, deputy."

Emma was excited. Her first job working in law enforcement. She slipped it into her belt loop and gave Graham one last hug.  "Thank you so much."

"It's not a problem at all. Come back tomorrow at 9:00 A.M sharp."

"Yes, boss." Emma giggled as she started walking towards the exit, before turning around and looking back at Graham. "Graham, can we keep the pregnant thing a secret? You and Killian are the only people that know and I don't want anyone else to know yet."

He nodded. "Absolutely, Emma. Be safe."

"I will." She walked out of the station and to her yellow bug. As she started the car, her phone rang in the special ringtone that she had set for Killian. She slid the answer button over. "Hi."

"Ello, love. Did you get the job?" He asked.

Emma sucked in a breath. "I did."

"I feel a 'but' coming on."

"I had to tell Graham that I am expecting." She explained.

"That's not too bad. At least you got the job."


"So, I just wanted to check in on you and see how you were doing. I have a surprise planned for when you come home."

A smile spread across her face. "I'll be home soon."

"I look forward to it."

She hung up and drove home. Emma almost went over the speed limit, but she was deputy now, so she wasn't too worried about it. She pulled into the driveway and Killian was standing in front of his car. A single red rose in his hand. She walked up to him and greeted him with a kiss.

"What is this surprise?" She asked.

He smiled handing her the rose. "It's a surprise." He led her over to the passengers side and opened the door for her, letting her get in. "Do you trust me?" He asked kneeling beside her.

"Yes." She said without hesitation.

He pulled out a blindfold. "Will you put this on?"

She looked at the piece of black cloth in his hand. She reached out for it and tied it around her eyes. "If this is the part where you kill me, then I'm going to kill you."

He chuckled and shut the door before making his way over to the drivers side. "Don't worry, love. I won't kill you. I won't even harm a hair on your pretty little head. I just need you blindfolded so you don't see too much before we get there."

She nodded and felt his hand close around hers. She fiddled with his fingers as he drove.

He pulled into the parking lot and helped Emma out. She smelled sea salt and knew where they were. He took the blindfold off and she was standing on the Jolly Roger. In front of her there was a table set up with candles on it. The sun that was setting in the distance made it the perfect setting because of the beautiful colors painted in the sky. Rose petals decorated the floor around the table in a huge circle. A smile formed on Killian's face when he saw her reaction.

"You did all this?" She asked.

"I did. Do you like it, love?" He said with a smirk already knowing her response.

"I love it!" She turned to him and grabbed his collar pulling his lips to hers. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered. He brought her over to the table and pulled the chair out for her.

"I feel bad. All of this fancy stuff and I'm not even dressed for the occasion."

He shrugged. "Neither am I. But you could be in sweatpants and I wouldn't be bothered by it."

She smiled as he brought out what looked like a wine bottle. "Killian, I can't-"

"I know, I know. But this isn't alcohol. It's just sparking grape juice."

She felt heat rising to her cheeks in embarrassment. "I hate being pregnant."

"It has its advantages. I certainly love it on you."

"You're just saying that."

He grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes. "No, I'm not. You are amazing and beautiful anytime of the day, and any day of the week. Whether you are pregnant or not."

"You won't be saying that when I'm complaining all the time."

"I'll find a way to enjoy those moments too."

For the rest of the evening, Emma and Killian talked and laughed. After the sun had set, he spread out a blanket so they both could lay down on the deck to stare at the stars.

They were both on the verge of falling asleep when they heard two heavy footsteps hit the deck. They sat straight up and saw two people they never thought they'd see again.

"Hook? Emma?"

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