Chapter 29

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This book is drawing to a close! Oh my gosh!!! There will be only a few chapter left. Maybe around 32 chapter? God! The Found series was so much fun and I loved writing it. But, there will definitely be more books on the way.

Two weeks later, Emma was standing in the sheriff's station. She was looking at her deputy badge and Graham's sheriff badge. She placed them both on the desk in front of her and continued to stare at them.

"What are you going to do, love?" Killian asked.

She sighed. "I can't be sheriff. It's too much of a responsibility."

"Which is why David decided to step forward."

Emma looked at her fiancé. "What?"

"Yeah. He decided to take the position in case you didn't want to do it. But the deputy position is still open."

"I can't do that either. I'm responsible for his death."

"No you aren't." Killian walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "He would want you to work here."

"But I'm not going to." Emma walked out of Killian's embrace and to the door. She grabbed her jacket and put it on. "We should go."

"Alright." He took one last glance at the two badges and walked over to Emma. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they walked out of the station together.

As soon as they got home, Emma disappeared into the kitchen. Killian went into the living room and saw the blanket that was laid out on the couch. He smirked as an idea popped into his head. One that would surely raise Emma's spirits.

Emma sat in the kitchen with her head in her hands. Her head was throbbing as thoughts swan around in her head. She felt guilty about Graham's death. Yes, he was the one who beat Killian up, but him dying shouldn't have even been in the equation. Even if she was able to just arrest him, she knew she could live with that.

"Swan, come here!" Killian called out from the living room.

She sighed and got off the chair, and wobbled into the living room. "I'm really not in the mood for your games, Killian." She said tiredly. She stopped in her tracks when she saw what he had done. "What the hell?"

Killian popped out from a space in between the blankets. "Surprise!" He had transformed the living room into a blanket and couch cushion fort.

"You're so stupid." She laughed.

"Come on in! It's fun!"

"I'll bring it all down with me."

"Nonsense. I made a place for you and everything." He disappeared under the blankets again and stuck only his head out. "Please?"

She sighed, finally giving in. She carefully got down onto the floor and crawled into the fort. It was a struggle at first, but she quickly got the hang of it.

Killian met her with a kiss. He cupped the back of her neck and she moaned in his mouth. They both pulled away for air after a few more seconds and breathed heavily.

"I love you." He whispered and ducked down to kiss her again before she could respond. The doorbell rang, forcing them to pull apart. "Wait right here." He crawled out of the fort and went over to the door. Emma waited with a smile on her face. She looked down to her baby bump and rubbed her hand over it. A minute later, Killian came back inside the fort with a box in his hand. "It's for you, love."

She grabbed the box and was surprised to find how light it was. She put it down in her lap and opened it. Inside, it was just a single piece of paper. "It's from the prison." She said, and cautiously picked it up. "You open it." She handed it to Killian and he tore the envelope.

Emma, you think I still don't have ears in that little town? Finally someone else realizes what a wimp your fiancé is. I'm just telling you, I don't approve of that. I will see you again.

Killian looked up at her, and Emma was terrified. He threw the letter down and crawled over to her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and buried his head in her neck. He pressed gentle kisses to all of the parts of her skin that he could reach.

"It's never going to be over, is it?" She asked. Her voice cracking.

"Not until he is dead. It's going to happen soon, Emma. I already know it. He's done torturing us. We're all together and safe." He said, reassuringly.

"I just hope it stays that way. It has been so easy getting used to being happy and not having to worry about him, but if this all starts up again, I don't think I can do it again." Her grip on him tightened. "Please don't let it."

"I promise. It won't."

She sighed and he held her tighter. "We have to get started on dinner." She pulled herself out of his arms and crawled out of the fort and went into the kitchen.

"Emma, don't pull away from me. This is what happens every single time that bastard comes in between us. You think that you'll be fine on your own, but I'm not going to leave you alone. We are going to get through this the same way it has been since the beginning. Together."

Emma gripped the counter as hard as she could. Until her knuckles turned white. "Don't you think I don't know that? You don't know how hard it is to pull away from you when he always comes back. You try so hard to stay by my side, when I'm trying to keep you safe!" She took a deep breath. She could feel her stomach start to hurt, and the baby was kicking her more. She took it as a sign that she needed to calm down.

"I'm glue when it comes to you, Swan. I'll always stick by you. You can't get rid of me." He walked up to her and cupped her cheek. "Ever."

She leaned up and kissed him passionately. She wanted to just hold him tight and never let go. "I love you."

"I love you too, Emma. Always."

She pulled back and smiled. "Always."

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