Chapter 3

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The next day Emma went to take the application to the gas station. Wendy was behind the counter again and she slid it to her.

"Be prepared for a call in the next few days, Emma." Wendy said.

Emma nodded and walked out to her bug. She grabbed the door handle but stopped when the sheriff's car siren went down the road. She watched as it stopped and Graham stepped out.

"What's with the lights and siren?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's so hard to get your attention."

She smiled. "What's up, Graham?"

"I wanted to ask you out on a date."

She put her arm on his shoulder. "Graham, I'm sorry, but I'm not really ready for a relationship yet."

He looked down at his shoes. "Right, I understand." He backed up. "Too soon. I'll see you later, yea?"

Her heart sank. "Yea. See you."

She watched him drive away and got in her bug. She went back to Killian's house and opened the door. There were less boxes around and Killian was watching tv. She sat next to him and fixed her gaze up to the ceiling.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

She looked at him. "Talk about what?"

"Whatever happened today. You still give off that vibe you had when you were upset when we were together."

"Graham asked me out today."

His jaw clenched. "And what did you say?"

"The same thing that I told you. That I wasn't ready for a relationship."

He nodded. Emma moved and laid her head on his lap. He looked down at her and smiled.

"I don't want these walls." She muttered.

"Your walls are what defines you. They don't make you a bad person, love."

"I know, but do you know how bad I wanted to say yes when you asked me out? I trust you, I'm just scared."

"After everything we have been through, why are you scared?" His voice got a little hard. She tensed up and he realized his mistake. "I didn't mean to yell."

She sat up and shook her head. "I don't know. It's not your fault."

He stroked her hair away from her face. "Sleep, love. I'll be here when you wake up."

Emma nodded and laid her head onto his lap again and fell asleep without protesting. He moved her hair back soothingly. The tv was now off and he listened to her breathing as small droplets of rain began to hit against the house. A phone ringing broke the silence. He reached over for his phone on the coffee table but it wasn't his that was making the noise. He looked down and he realized it was her phone ringing. He dug it out from her pocket without waking her and answered it.

"Emma Swan's phone, may I ask who is calling?" He asked politely.

"This is Wendy from Smith Service Station. Is Emma available?"

"No not at this moment."

"Well, just tell her that she got the job. She is to come in on Monday if she still wants it."

"I'll let her know. Thanks."

He hung up and looked down. "I'm so proud of you, but you don't need this." He erased the call from her call log and placed her phone back in her pocket. "You always work. It's time to rest now."

He moved slightly so he was leaning on the arm of the couch and she was on his lap and her head was on his chest. She hardly stirred and he was grateful. He soon drifted off to sleep as well.

Emma woke up on Killian's chest a few hours later. His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist and she was directly over his heartbeat. She could hear the steady beat. She looked up at his face. His hair was slightly messed up but he still looked cute. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket hoping that there was a message from Wendy but there wasn't. She shrugged it off and laid back down. Emma wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tight. Afraid that if she let go, she would be ripped away from the comfort of him.

"You say you enjoy these walls Killian, but I don't think you do. They are preventing me from saying how I really feel. I love you so much. I just wish that I could tell you while you were awake and can actually hear me. I will try to get over the walls. I will try to let you in. I'm just scared that if I do, things will go back to how they were all those years ago. I'll love you so much but I'll be ripped away. I never got over you, but I will try to let things go back to how they were. I want to start over." She whispered. She grabbed his hand and pulled it to her lips. "I'll try to do it for us." She laid a small kiss on his knuckle.

And with that, Emma drifted back to sleep. The next morning, Killian woke up around 9:00 and saw that there was a blanket over top of him. Something blocked his vision. He reached up and something was taped to his forehead. He removed it and saw that it was a note from Emma.

'Went out for a few things. Be back soon.'

He smiled and got off the couch. As he was standing up, he heard the doorknob jiggle. He looked over and Emma had a bag in her hands and a smile on her face. She brought it over to the island and placed the bag down and began to empty its contents.

"We have plenty of food, darling. Why did you go shopping?" He asked grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl behind him that sat on the counter.

"Life isn't complete without this." She said taking a box of hot chocolate out of the bag. He smiled. "Or these." She proceeded to take a can of whipped cream and cinnamon from the bag as well. She put the items in their correct places in the kitchen and walked over to her bag on the ground and grabbed some clothes.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said.

Killian nodded and watched her disappear into the bathroom. As soon as he heard the water running, he grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, I'm ready to make that deal. She's in the shower. I have all of your money."

"When will you be by?"

"I'm leaving now. I'll give you the money and I'm never doing this again. You know how much I hate this."

"But it's for your girlfriend. You know how happy this will make her."

"Shut up. I'm on my way."

He hung the phone up and slipped it in his pocket before pulling a briefcase out from underneath the couch and walking to the door. He ran down in the direction of Mr. Gold's shop. He opened the door causing the little bell to ring indicating a customer. He placed the briefcase down in front of Gold and left the shop and ran back to his house. He sighed in relief when he still heard the water running in the shower. He slid down the door and put his head in his hands.

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