Chapter 14

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Emma woke up the next morning and looked beside her. Killian was still sleeping peacefully on his side. The blankets covering his bottom half. She looked down at herself and the memories of last night came flooding back. How gentle and caring he was, not to mention how amazing too. She blushed at the thought and moved the blankets up higher so they were up to her shoulders. His arm moved protectively and securely around her waist and moved her closer to him. She didn't fight him because she was happy. She liked being held, especially if it was her boyfriend who was the one doing it.

She turned over and saw the sweet smile on his face, even though he was still sleeping. She brushed the few strands of his dark hair away from his eyes. She let her hand travel to his scruff and she ran her hand over that too.

All of a sudden, the smile turned to a look of concern.

"No. Take me. I'm the one you want." He mumbled. She knew he was having a nightmare, but she wanted to see who or what he was talking about. "Emma! I will find you. I will always find you."

She sat up and shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked around. The worried look in his eye disappearing as he looked at her. He hugged her tightly as if he was going to let go, she would slip away.

"It's okay. I'm here." She whispered in his ear.

"I had a dream that Neal took you again, and that I couldn't save you." He said with a shaky voice.

She kissed the spot below his ear. "I'm not going anywhere."

"It seemed so real."

She pulled back and looked into his tear filled eyes. There were some tear stains on his cheeks and she brushed them away with her thumbs. "I'm staying here with you."

"I know, but I'm tired of being strong." He whispered as if he was ashamed. He looked down at his lap in disappointment.

She put her fingers under his chin and tilted his head back up. "Just because you are a guy doesn't mean that you have to be strong all the time, and you sure as hell don't need to be strong for me."

"I just don't want you to think you have a wuss for a boyfriend."

"I have never thought about you like that! Killian, I love you! It doesn't matter what you do or how you act in situations like the ones we have been through, it's just how you treat me and everyone around you. That's who I fell in love with. Sure you are my big, protective teddy bear, but I can easily look past that. You are the sweetest guy I know, and I wouldn't trade you for anything."

"So it doesn't matter how strong I am?"

"God no." She put her hands on the sides of his face and brought him in for a kiss. She moved her hands into his hair and held him to her.

He leaned back on the bed and she was now on top of him. She pulled away and smiled at their position.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Why?" She played with his chest hair as she sat on his stomach.

"I'm a mess."

She giggled. "That's usually what I say, but no you aren't. And even if you think that, you are my hot mess."

He smiled and moved up to kiss her again. She giggled and grabbed his hand. "What are you doing?" He asked. She got off the bed and led him to the bathroom. "Emma, are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yes. I'm fine."

After their shower, Killian took her to work at the gas station and promised that he would pick her up later after her shift. He handed her a packed lunch and a travel mug filled with coffee. He watched her walk into the building before he drove off.

Emma put her lunch in the refrigerator that all the employees share, and got a box filled with food items that need to be stocked on the shelves. She immediately got to work with restocking.


She whipped her head around and to see Milah storming up to her.

"What?" Emma asked irritatedly.

"What the hell are you doing here?"


"You were fired! You hadn't been doing your job correctly so I called you and fired you."

"I was at work for a week. If you have a grudge against me for dating Killian than tell me instead of using my job against me."

"You're fired! Get out of my store!"

"You can't fire someone who just quit!" Emma yelled, even though she was fighting back the tears as she stormed out of the gas station. She pulled out her phone and dialed Killian's number. When he picked up, she could hear the music playing from the radio.

"What's the matter, love?" He asked.

She sniffed as a few tears ran down her face. "Come pick me up."

"What's wrong?" He asked more seriously.

"She fired me. Milah fired me because I am dating you."

"It's alright. With the amount of money I am making, I can support all of us."

"No. I don't want to be helpless. I want to work."

"Good luck finding a job around here, darling."

"I'll work at the sheriff station. I'll do paperwork and stuff so I won't be chasing bad guys."

"No. You'll be working with Graham."

She smirked. "Jealous?"

"No. I just don't want you getting hurt."

"Relax, Killian. I'll fill out papers all day and then come home to you. Graham will be on patrol around town so he won't even be there most of the time."

He sighed. "One chance Emma Swan. If he pulls anything, I will punch him in the face."

She giggled. "I understand."

She hung up soon after and waited for Killian to pull up in front of the gas station. She thought about asking Graham for a job. Would he give it to her? And would he try to flirt with her while on the job? She could always quit if that did happen.

She shook all the thoughts from her head when she felt the world spinning around her. She leaned against the brick wall of the building behind her and put her hand on her head.

"Emma! Are you okay?" She heard Killian ask. "What's wrong? What can I do?"

"I'm fine. Just a little bit dizzy. Let's just go home."

He grabbed her hand and helped her in and he drove them both home.

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