Chapter 17~ Nothing But Trouble

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Tobins POV

As soon as Alex and I are done getting ready, I make sure to pack some pain killers just in case me or her needed it.

Alex wanted us to use her car, it took a lot of arguing but she won, but I should've expected it. She had a Black with red stripes down the center, Chevrolet Camaro and I gotta say, this thing was pretty awesome.

We walk down to her car, and she takes the drivers seat since it was her car as I hop in the passenger side.

I give her the directions to Clarke and Lexas place so we could meet up with them first and after a small drive, we get there and Alex parks in front of their apartment.

It wasn't anything too big but it was a lot more expensive and a bit bigger than my place.

I lead her to their door as I walk right in, seeing them on the couch just making out on the couch and I groan making Clarke jump off of lexa.

"Ugh tobs you're such an ass." Lexa groans and I shake my head.

"It's not my fault you guys decided to make out while I was on my way here!" I defend and I hear Alex giggle from behind me and this causes Clarke and lexa to turn their attention to behind me.

"Well damn Tobin, you and Alex are lookin good." Clarke says and I look behind me and smile at Alex who stands there blushing.

"Thanks, as do you guys. So where exactly is the party you two are planning to go to?" I ask taking Alexs hand and leading her to a couch in which her and I sat down on.

"Close by, we can lead the way or we can all take the mustang, it doesn't matter." Lexa suggests and I shrug.

"We can take both cars just in case someone wants to go home earlier than the others." I say and everyone agrees as we all stand up, lexa and Clarke straightening out their clothes and getting their stuff together as we all walk outside to the cars.

I hop in the passenger like last time and Alex hops in and backs out of the drive way so lexa could get out.

"So I'm guessing you're Into parties?" I say, starting a conversation as Alex starts behind lexa and Clarke.

"What makes you say that?" She asks with a light smile on her face.

"You're social. Like really social. Your popular, beautiful, you have lots of friends, you're outgoing... I think you get my point but you seem like you'd like to go out and party. Especially because of what happened today, you seemed pretty open to going out tonight." I say and she just shrugs.

"Well I mean I guess. I love going to parties depending on who's there. I don't go just to get wasted or something, just to let loose and have fun. I can't do that at home so why not get some friends and party. You know what I mean?" She says glancing over at me.

"I'm not much of a party type but I see what you mean." I say and she nods as lexa pulls over, putting her car into park and we do the same.

I guess Clarke wasn't lying when she said it was close by.

We had to do a bit of walking though because of how far away we parked from the actual party itself, but I'm not complaining. A little walk never really hurt anybody.

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