Chapter 8-Home Life

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Alex's POV

I rush out of the hospital to my car, immediately taking my keys out of my pocket and starting the car and my drive home.

I felt bad for leaving the hospital the way I did. In a way, it was my fault that this happened to Tobin and I wasn't even there to apologize when she wakes up. Either way I was going to deal with shit.

I didn't notice my mother had called that many times... I should've never fallen asleep in the first place and now I was going to deal with the hell of things at home.

I could just spend the night at Kelleys, but then that'll make things worse for me tomorrow.

It takes me about half an hour to get home as I park my car in the driveway, seeing that there was only the lamp on inside having a bit of hope that she'd be sleeping.

I quietly close my car door, sneaking to the front door as I quietly turn the nob of the door, cracking it open as the smell of weed and whiskey fills my nose and I see her on the couch with a drink in her hand as her attention immediately turns to me.

I close the door behind myself, knowing not to show fear, for that'll only give her more power over the situation.

"Where were you?" She asks coldly and I can tell she's drunk, maybe even a little bit high too.

"A friend of mine... she got hurt and we were at the hospital." I say lightly and she laughs coldly, taking the last sip of her drink before looking up at me as the room is filled with a deadly silence.

"Do you know how late you were?" She asks through clenched teeth and I shake my head, but this only makes things worse as she throws the shot glass at me, hitting me in the stomach and getting up and grabbing me by the arm.

"Do you know what I missed because of you?!" She yells in my face and her breath reeks of weed and I shake my head no.

She turns me around by my arm, throwing me down to the ground as I fall flat on my back, getting all of the wind knocked out me.

"No! Of course you don't! You were supposed to be home at 3:30! Every fucking day I tell you that but you decided not to listen didn't you!" She yells at me and I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Mom I didn't mean to be late!" I try saying back but she picks up the shot glass throwing it hard at me and it hits my cheek making me Yelp in pain as it shatters .

"If you didn't mean to you wouldn't have!" She yells back pacing and now looking for other things to throw at me.

I scramble to my feet trying to run to my room but she catches me by the collar of my shirt, throwing me back down to the ground as this time I fall on my left shoulder, hitting the side of my head.

"Did I say I was done!" She yells at me, stomping on my thigh and I hold back the Yelp threatening to escape me.

"I've told you to be home by 3:30! The boys wouldn't sell because your ass wasn't here! I missed out because of you! Because you weren't here! Because you decided to be late!" She yells and now her voice is really starting to slur.

"Get up!" She yells down at me and I'm afraid to follow her order but she yells this at me again and i decide to get up.

She grabs me by my collar again, throwing me against the wall studying my face.

"Look at you, weak! You can't take a few hits, that's pathetic!... Get out of my face." She says through clenched teeth and I'm afraid to move until she slaps me across the face, yelling for me to get out of her face again and I run, grabbing my bag and scrambling up the stairs.

This was somewhat normal for me, if I wasn't home on time or I did something simply to piss my mom off, things like this would happen, but of course nobody knew.

I close the door behind me, locking it so she couldn't come in tonight as I set my stuff on the bed, falling to the ground but regretting this move as pain shoots up left arm.

I hold back my tears, trying to take deep breaths as I am still fighting to regain my breath from being thrown on my back.

After everything from seeing what happened to Tobin, breaking up with by servando, and now my mom, I couldn't handle it as I broke down into sobs on the hard floor, feeling pain shoot up my left arm or back everytime I moved.

I sat on the ground for a good 15 minutes before my body finally started to calm down and I had enough energy and pain tolerance to lift myself off the ground to see my injuries.

I look on the ground, seeing that there was a blood stain on the floor and I know it's from my cheek where my mom threw the shot glass at me.

I'll have to clean that soon.

I go into the bathroom, turning on the light sure enough seeing a gash on my cheek and I take off my DBHS long sleeve shirt seeing a large bruise on my upper left arm and a small bruise on my stomach from where it hit me the first time. My back was fine and so was my head, I just have a major headache and I know I'll need to come up with an excuse as to why I have a big gash on my cheek for everyone that's going to ask me tomorrow.

I clean up my cheek, dabbing an alcohol pad around it to clean in as well as putting anti bacterial cream so it doesn't get infected as I hop in the shower, turning it to hot as I just sit in the shower, trying to keep my composure.

People always thought I had a good life, hell, a great one even... but if only they knew the truth. Mom was an alcoholic and addicted to smoking everything and anything, dads always away on 'business trips' and I see him once every couple months, a sister who i haven't heard from in months... sure we had money and a nice house on the outside, and it was clean inside whenever I cleaned it or my mother was sober enough to, but that's really the only good thing I guess.

Only one more year here though, as soon as I graduate, I doubt my mom will ever hear from me again....

But not even my best friend Kelley knew. Servando didn't know. Not even Abby... it was just a secret that I hid from everyone, and If they ever asked to come to my place, I always made excuses as to why they couldn't.... it's just been my way of handling things.

I sigh, crawling into bed not even caring if I had English homework to do as I drift off to sleep, thinking about oddly... if Tobin was okay.

'I should go visit her tomorrow. I'll catch up with schoolwork but visiting Tobin wouldn't be such a bad idea.' I think to myself and agree that indeed, I'm going to go visit tobin.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please leave votes and your feedback as always and have an awesome day.


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