Chapter 16~ From help, to party

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Tobins POV

We stand, her in my arms for a few minutes until she finally starts to calm down, body probably sore depending on her injuries and what happened. I know I needed to examine the injuries, the only part I had trouble with was how to ask without being awkward about it.

I pull back from the hug, feeling a blast of coldness hit my body since Alexs' warmth was no longer around me, but I wipe her tears once again, seeing how bloodshot her eyes were now.

"Can we sit, I'll get ice and stuff, I just need to see what happened... if you don't mind." I say lightly, trying to sound sympathetic.

She nods and I take her hand, leading her to the couch as I now stand in front of her, feeling the silence and I know I failed in trying not to be awkward.

"Where exactly are you bruised or sore or something?" I asked trying to see where her injuries were.

"Just my back." She says, voice scratchy from crying and I look at her face, seeing her cheek red but I'm not sure if that's from crying, or if she got hit in the face.

"Your cheek looks red too, did something happened there too, or..?" I ask trying to word it but she thankfully answers my question.

"It just stings, Tobin, I'm fine, it's just my back." She says and I nod.

"Do you want to lay down or sit up?" I ask knowing that either way, her shirt was going to be off and I had to brace and control myself.

"Uh I mean I can lay on my stomach so it'll be easier." She says and I nod.

Carefully, she takes off her shirt and I then looks around on where to put it, giving me a quick glance of her abs and I felt my breath hitch in my throat but I tore my eyes away from here before I had urges and she knew I was starring.

I laughed a little, taking the shirt from her hands as I folded it, placing it on the table as I finally looked at her back, seeing a few bad bruises, but nothing serious.

"Well thankfully it's nothing serious, you do have quite the bruises though I will admit." I say and she laughs a bit as I get up, walking to the freezer to grab some ice.

As I walk back, I see her eying the food I made and I chuckle lightly forgetting about the food for a second.

"I made that for you and I. you can lean against the back of the couch with this on your back to help with the bruising, or I can hold it, it doesnt matter but you look hungry. So eat something." I say and she smiles a little at me before grabbing the plate of pizza.

I sit behind her with her sitting between my legs as I hold the ice on her back and she eats a slice of pizza.

As I was focusing on her back, she suddenly turns a bit, looking back at me as I look up, lightly smiling at her and she smiles back, holding a piece of pizza in her hand as she brings it closer to my face to feed me since I had my hands full.

"Alex you don't have to." I say laughing and she chuckles a bit too as she still tries to offer it to me.

"You need to eat too Tobin." She says and I shake my head like a stubborn child.

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