Chapter 12~Opening up

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Tobins POV

The rest of the car ride goes in silence until we're just about at my place.

"Tobin, I will not guarantee to share everything, but I can tell you small details of things but you must keep them to yourself. I don't want any of this getting out." She says to me and I nod.

We arrive at my apartment as she parks the car, once again helping me out and I lead her upstairs to my apartment.

I fish the keys out of the wallet I was given back once I left and unlock the door, telling her to take a seat anywhere as I sat in the love seat next to the couch she was on.

"I feel I'm able to trust you... I won't tell everything just because, don't take this personal, but I just met you and I can't trust you fully until I'm able to get to actually know you. But I'm willing to share a bit. My dad, he's a business man. He's out, pretty much 24/7... months, even a year and a half at a time and I rarely see him. My mom and him never actually got married.. they dated, then had me, then my dad turned to being a business man and I've rarely seen him since.

You asked about the marks, and you probably assumed things, but yes, to your question probably forming in your head, I have been abused, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'm on a strict schedule, that's why I couldn't stay the night we took you to the hospital, if I disobey that schedule, bad things happen. I am to maintain a good social status.. keeping my education and soccer first, having them as my main priority. And that's about all I'm going to say as of now." She says, tears starting to fall down her cheeks but she doesn't break down.

She has an emotionless look on her face as she turns her attention to the floor, not able to look at me, and I limp over to her side, feeling the pain start to develop in my knee, but I put this aside as I wrap one arm around her shoulders.

"I lost both of my parents... so I know how it feels not to really have a true parent figure in your life.. I can't offer much, but if you need, I have a spare room here if you need to get away from home. Um, I'm assuming there's something keeping you back from telling since you haven't yet so I won't ask about it. But I'm sorry this is happening to you, I can tell that you definitely don't deserve it." I say trying to comfort her in anyway possible without asking questions.

"Thanks, I'll definitely take that offer sometime, and I guess now you see why I felt so horrible after what I did that one day to you. Because that's what my mom's done to me. And I don't wanna be like her. But thank you." She says finally looking back up at me and I see how close her face is to mine.

I can feel her breath on my face, noticing that it was minty, she probably had him before coming to pick me up.. and I notice how chapped her lips were, they were soft and extremely tempting.

I meet her gaze as she's looking directly into my eyes, seeming to be debating something inside of her head, but she finally comes back to her senses, as she backs away, looking down.

"Can I use your bathroom?" She says, a blush reappearing on her face, just as it was mine and I nod, telling her where it was.

She set her phone down on the couch, walking off to the bathroom as i carefully lay back, sighing deeply.

She's probably so weirded out. Gosh how am I such an idiot?

She comes back after a few minutes, sitting down next to me once again, and I look over at her.

"I'm sorry.. if you just got weirded out or something. I didn't mean for that to happen." I say honestly and she shakes her head.

"No it's alright.. I just.. I haven't been in that situation before and my instincts kicked in." She says trying to keep a friendly look on her face but I can tell she's deep into thought again.

For a while, there's an awkward silence, and I decide to turn on the tv to pass time.

After a few hours, I got a text from Lexa, asking me if I was still with Alex as I replied that I was, and I realized it was passed 3, which was the time Alex told me she was supposed to be home always.

"Alex... you know it's passed 3 right?" I warn and she nods her head.

"My mother is out for today. This is one of my lucky days. She'll be back tomorrow around 6 like normal." She says and I cautiously nod.

Today was Wednesday, and I knew they had school tomorrow, I should also probably go at least tomorrow to collect all the work I missed.

Alex hangs out here for a while before asking if it was alright if she stayed the night since she didn't want to be alone, I was a bit taken back but quickly agreed.

A little extra company wouldn't hurt.

We chill on the couch watching whatever was on TV and at around 7, Alex made a small dinner for her and I, and I have to say, she's a pretty badass cook. At least better than me.

She makes me take my medicine like the label said and to both my disappointment and pleasure, it was supposed to make me drowsy, and Alex was just about ready to go to bed too.

A few hours passed and it was finally 10 o'clock and I was just about to pass out.

"There's.. an extra room if you wanna sleep there. I had Lexa wash the sheets, but if you don't wanna be alone you're welcomed to sleep with me in my room. I'm heading out though, just follow me and I'll give you clothes to sleep in." I say, grabbing my crutches and she follows me too my room.

I let her choose from my small lot of clothes and she chooses a pair of Nike shorts and a blue oversized t-shirt.

Holy shit did she look cute as hell, but of course, I just smiled.

She had a small blush on her face at the look I had on my face, but turned around to give me privacy as I struggled
to put on a new pair of shorts, but thankfully got it without hurting myself as I stripped off my shirt, hopping into bed.

"Is it alright if I sleep in here?" She asks kindly and I nod as she smiles, laying in bed with me.

I notice that Alex quickly dosed off to sleep, just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt her scoot into me, as we were both laying on our sides and she backed her back into my front, and I take this as I sign that she wanted me to wrap my arm around her.. but again... she was sleeping.

"hold.. me." She says lightly under her breath but I clearly hear her as I do as she tells me to do, and she scoots even closer to me, until there was no space in between us, and god my heart was pounding.

The feeling I had right now was simply indescribable. I don't know if she'd remember this in the morning but fuck I didn't care. I felt so warm.. so... mesmerized from the feeling she was able to give me from this simple move.

I felt... home in a way. Not as in a house.. but emotionally.. home.

And damn right I liked it.

Hey guys! Here's another chapter and I hope you all enjoyed. Please continue to show your feedback and give your votes cause it's well appreciated. I don't have much to say but I have open house tomorrow so pray for me y'all. Anyways, stay awesome :)


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