Chapter 11-Finally Out

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Tobins POV

Today was the day I was finally being released from this hospital

After spending 2 weeks in this stupid hospital bed, I was finally ready to get out... the only thing is, I have to use crutches.

And we all know good and damn well I'm not in the mood to get my crutches kicked from under me, so my plan was to stay home and just have Alex, Lexa, or Clarke bring me my work.

Oh, speaking of Alex...

This girl is sending me mixed signals. One minute she's all deep talking and touchy, the next she's kind of distant... it's like she wants to get close to me.. but she's hesitant to.

Either way, the day she cuddled up with me after.. whatever happened, was honestly one of the best days of my life even though it hurt so damn bad.

the warmth she was able to provide me, was indescribable. Internally, I was screaming with excitement, going crazy basically. Externally, I was chill and cool about it. But gosh was it hard to contain.

When she left, I don't know, it's like she took a piece of me with her because I just got... cold. I felt cold inside, like the fire that provided me with warmth just vanished into thin air almost. But after a couple hours of thinking and literally doing nothing, Lexa and Clarke came in to visit me which was great.

But after that day, I haven't seen too much of Alex, just an occasional visit.. which is what I should expect from a girl who you just met not too long ago. Not to mention not having the best meet.

Anywho, today was finally the day I was able to get out of this damn hospital. This fucking place sucked and was even more boring than sitting in math class. Part of which was because I slept in math class, simply because I already knew what was being taught.

Lexa offered to pick me up around 1 o'clock as long as the teacher didn't hold her back to finish the test she had missed yesterday because she skipped to come visit me. Dumb move on her part.

But if she didn't come, Clarke most likely would, or i would just have to wait until school was out for Lexa to come pick me up.

One person I haven't seen much of, was Hope. I don't exactly know what happened to her and stuff, she probably just.. I don't know didn't bother to visit, which I was okay with cause I barely knew the girl anyways.

But a small part of me was quite worried about her, because of what Abby said... what if they went for her.

But back to my point. They said I was going to be on crutches for at least a few weeks for the fracture in my knee, and for the time I'm on crutches, I don't know if I really want to go to school, cause id be risking a lot of my health and recovery... so I'll probably stay home for at least a week.

As I think about my game plan, time ticks by and soon enough, it's 1, and I'm just waiting for the nurse to come by to tell me Lexa was here to pick me up.

I sit on the hospital bed, patiently waiting, looking up at the clock every few minutes, but still nobody comes.

From 1, to 1:45, still, nobody came and I figured that Lexa probably got held back and was going to be here at 2:45 instead, which was when school over and around what time she'd be here.

I lay back in my bed, sighing with disappointment as I stare up at the clock, just wanting time to pass by faster.

From 1:45, to 2 o'clock, still nothing happens, until finally I hear a knock on the door.

I burst up in excitement, but quickly yell in pain as I feel a horrible pain run through my body at my action.

"Tobin!" I hear a voice yell from outside the door as the door bursts open and I see the nurse on the floor and Alex rushing to me.

"Are you okay? What hurts? What'd you do?" Alex asks in a series of questions and I'm confused on why she cares so much right now.

"Nothing, I just got excited. I'm fine... why is the nurse on the floor?" I ask Alex and she looks down, with a bright red blush appearing on her cheeks.

"I may or may not have rushed in here, knocking her down.. but that's besides the point. Lexa texted me saying she got held back for a test and needed me to pick you up." Alex says and I smile lightly.... my savior from this dungeon.

The nurse tells Alex to fill out some paperwork, getting me to sign a few places before she comes back with a pair of crutches.

Alex helps me off the bed as i take the crutches, placing them under my arms, landing on my right foot, making sure to apply little to no pressure on my left foot like the nurse said.

"You got it?" Alex asks and I chuckled, nodding my head. She's babying me... but in a good way.. and I kinda like it. Makes me feel wanted.

Alex and I make our way to the front desk, as she picks up my meds from the counter and escorts me to her car.

I was very surprised to see a baby blue 2016 mustang gt350 parked and she pulled out the keys, unlocking the doors and opening the passenger side for me, moving her stuff to the back and helping me inside.

As soon as I get it, she puts my crutches next to me as she runs over to the drivers side, opening the door, getting in, and starting the car.

"So... as much as I'd invite you to my house, I can't, but I can drive you to your place and wait there with you till Clarke and Lexa get back." She says and I look over at her, confused on why she wouldn't want me to go to her house, but she probably just doesn't want a person like me at her house.

"Um yeah, sure." I say, giving her the address to my place and she looks over at me in confusion, typing it into the GPS the looking back at me.

"You seem upset at something I said or did... what is it?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it." I say and she sighs as she stops at the red light.

"It's bothering you, I can tell, just please... what is it?" She asks, looking over at me as I meet her eyes.

"It.... I understand it now, but I was curious as to why you couldn't bring me to your house, but then I got it." I said and her eyes went wide as she shook her head.

"No, Tobin, no. It's not that I don't trust you, or what people think of you. There are things that go on at home that I'm not sure... Never mind, forget I said anything. But it's not that." She says and it's now my turn to look at her confused.

"What 'things' are you talking about?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It's something... I will ask one question, I just want you to answer it honestly and then I'll drop the subject... Is that where you get those marks from?" I ask, referring to what I saw when she was cuddled up to me, and the Newley formed bruise on her wrists that she tried covering by makeup.

She looks over at me in shame, slowly nodding her head but instantly turning her attention back to the road and I feel a pang of sadness wash over me. She's being abused.


Hey guys, Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I don't have much to say, but today has been a good one.  Vote. Comment. And stay awesome. I'm out✌🏼️


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