'I love you'

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I've decided to just finish the movie scenes so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm updating again.
We all had to go to another lecture by Dana. She was talking about different types of softwares and how you function them together. I was next to Stuart and Nick taking notes. I then hear her say "Very good Nick." I look up to see Nick smiling at her, and Team Lyle all giving him smirks.
I smile at Nick and wink at him. He has a satisfied look on his face. I turn my head towards Stuart and see him smiling at me. I smile back and lean my head on his shoulder.
He wraps his arm around me and Dana keeps talking.
"Only two challenges remain." Chetty says through the microphone. There is a big screen behind him and it says the word 'Challenge' in block letters. "After which only a handful of you will be offered a full time employment. Now the next challenge is manning the Google helpline."
Stuart's hair his styled in the most handsome way, without his beanie. He looks so cute in his button up light blue shirt. His knee keeps bouncing up and down beside me, while Neha is rubbing her thumps together frantically. I know we need to win this challenge or its over.

"This is one of the most difficult jobs we have. Combining both costumer relations and product fluency. You will be judged on both." The screen behind Chetty kept showing different companies. "This...is a very tight race right now." Chetty is looking right at Team Lyle as he said that. "I suggest you study up." And with that he walked off stage.
"Alright let's drill it and kill it." Lyle says walking in front of everyone. I'm sitting in a chair and spinning around. "Authorization failure with Google Drive?"
"Permissions probably change with pressed document." Neha says after while she is on the computer.
"Bam!" Lyle says walking towards me. "Chrome inactivity issue, Maxy?"
I look at the computer in front of me and see the answer. "Unselect proxy server for your lan." I say while squinting my eyes at the computer.
"Nice!" Lyle gets up from sitting on the desk and walks over to Billy. "Ok I'm locked out of my google wallet account."
"Is that under Gmail or google help?"
"Uh I don't know sir that's kinda what I called you for." Lyle says acting like his hand is the phone.

"Here's the deal I'm pretty terrific on the phones. I could so purser or to a rabbi. And I have." Billy says but Yo-Yo starts talking next to Stuart.
"Except your not here to sell anything." I nod and Stuart says "Yeah Billy your not going to be able to bullshit your way out of this one. The only way through this one is to study, you just got to do it." I nod looking at Billy.
"You know what I'm gonna do I'm going to study up." Billy says and I smile at him. He starts to talk to Lyle and I gesture for Neha to come with me. She follows and I go over towards Yo-Yo and Stuart.

Yo-Yo and Neha start talking and I smile at Stuart. He smiles back and stands up. He pulls me close and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hey Babe." He whispers on my ear. I smile and nuzzle up into his neck.
"Hi." I whisper on his neck. Lyle walks towards and says "How is everyone else doing." I nod and Stuart says "Yeah I'm good." Stuart sits down in his chair and pulls me down with him. I kiss his cheek and start to study as he does too.

After hours of studying, we all decided to go back to our dorms. Nick has a date with Dana tonight which I'm very happy about.
Me and Stuart arrive at our dorms and he takes my hand leading me into his dorm. I slowly walk towards his bed, and sit on it. He takes his shoes of and walks towards me.
He slowly lays down on his bed with his stomach on the bed. "I'm so tired." He says into his bed making his words muffled. I lat down next to him and snuggle into him.
"Then go to bed Stew." He shakes his head and sits up to look at me. "But I have to get changed and brush my teeth and...ugh." He pouts. I laugh at him and slowly lean towards his lips. He smiles and meets me halfway.

When our lips touch softly I feel butterflies in my stomach. It was a slow and gentle kiss. We pull away and he whispers "I love you."
"I love you too." I say smiling at him. He smiles back and attaches his lips to mine again. I smile into the kiss and crawl on top of him. He makes small giddy notices as we kiss, and keeps moaning.
I rub my tongue on his bottom lip and he declines. He keeps declining and I've had enough. I slowly reach down in between us and graze his crotch. His mouth opens slightly and my tongue darts right in his mouth.
We fight for dominance and I win. I take total control and kiss him feverishly. I slowly stop kissing him and pull away.

He slowly opens his eyes and his lips are pink and puffy. I rest my forehead on his and whisper "Let's go to bed, yeah?" He nods and I get changed out of my outfit and into one of his shirts.
He gets changed into sweatpants and no shirt, then gets under his covers. I follow him under and snuggle into his chest.
"Goodnight." I say. He kisses my forehead and murmurs "Goodnight, I love you." I smile and slowly fall asleep.

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