Cosplay Party

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Maxy's outfit above^^
Not edited Btw...
I checked myself in the mirror as I was in cosplay clothes. We decided to have a cosplay party today because we have to return to work in two days.
I was dressed up as a girl Jedi knight. I had my hair curled down in waves, with my makeup all ready and done. Everyone agreed to not say who we are dressing up as, until we get to the party.
I already guessed Neha was probably going to be slave girl Leia, since she was talking about the ghetto during our first meeting.

The party was going to be in Lyles dorm since he has the bigger apartment. Once I decided I was looking good I grabbed my phone from the table and headed out my dorm. I quickly walked down the hall so if Stuart was still in his dorm, he wouldn't see me.
Lyle had texted me the address as he did with the others. We decided to invite a few other people which included Safron, Lyles girlfriend. Zach from Graham's team. And Dana the girl Nick was talking about in the seminar.
I walked down to Lyles dorm, getting weird looks from s couple people. I just smiled at them and carried on. Once I arrived to his dorm, which I hoped was his dorm, I knocked on the door.

I few seconds later I hear a 'coming' and Lyle opens the door. He is wearing a x wing outfit, which surprisingly suited him. I walked in to see Yo-Yo, Zach, and Safron.
Zach was dressed as chewbacca which I laughed at. Then Yo-Yo was a storm trooper, and Safron was a sexy storm trooper. There was good on tables with a Star Wars theme for the food.
I laughed and said "This is cool. I've never been to a cosplay party. It's actually on my bucket list."
"You have a bucket list?" Lyle asks. I nod shyly and say "Yeah you know with my condition I decided to make one."

Lyle nods and was about to say something else but there was a knock on the door. I quickly walked to the door to see Billy and Nick, in Luke and Hon outfits.
"Neha was right. You two do make a good Luke and Han." I say with a laugh they nod and look me up and down. "How Maxy this outfit is good. It also looks good on you, can't wait to see Stuart's face." Nick says and Billy nods. I blush and let them in.

I close the door but for it to be stopped. I open the door and see Dana in a Rey outfit. It really fits her. I smile and say "You look great." She smiles and says "You do too." I smile and let her in.
I close the door and quickly go over to get a drink. I decide to just have a drink of the Sprite.
When I get my drink I walk over to Yo-Yo and Zach. "Hey Maxy." Yo-Yo and Zach say and I smile.
"So do you guys know what we are going to be doing today."
Zach nods and says "Yeah we are going to be playing a few games, but I'm not sure what. Also we might put on the a Star Wars movie." I nod my head and hear a knock at the door. I turn my head to see Lyle letting Neha in, and of course she was wearing everything she said she would. I smile at her and evolve her in a hug.

"Damn Maxy you look fine." She says and I laugh saying "You look good yourself. I knew you were going to wear that." She laughs and shrugs. I quickly being her over to Yo-Yo and Zach. Yo-Yo stares at her and says "Wow Neha you look...beautiful." I smile at them as I bring Zach with me away from them.
"I wanted to give them some privacy." I say smiling at Zach.
"Yeah they really like each other, I can tell." Zach says and continues, "Like you like Stuart." I blush and shrug. We continue talking until I hear a Nick at the door. My heart picks up, me knowing who it was.
"Do I look good." I ask Zach with worried eyes. He laughs and says "Girl you look hot." I smile and turn to the door.
Nick and Billy open the door and their eyes widen. Then they quickly smile and let Stuart in. When I see him my heart races. He was wearing a Darth Vader, but without the helmet. I smile at him when he looks at me. His eyes widen at my outfit and I quickly walk towards him.

When I reach him i jump in his arms, hugging him. I wrap my legs around his waist and he puts his arms under my thighs.
"Baby I missed you." Stuart says. I blush and say "I missed you too."
"You look so gorgeous and hot in that. If there wasn't anyone here, I would have lost control." Stuart says and my cheeks turn a darker color.
I get back on my feet and look at him up and down. Black was defiantly his color. He looked so hot, like a freakin bad boy. I bite my lip and say "You look hot too." He smirks and pulls me in for a kiss. I smile and slowly meet his lips. Our lips work against each other perfectly with so much passion.

I feel fire everywhere, coursing through through me. I quickly pull away as Lyle says "Ok guys, so Neha has set up some games for us to play. So Neha tell them."
Neha smirks and says "Since we are in Google and don't get s lot of time to play around anymore. I decided to add a little fun to his night." She smirks at each and everyone one of us.
"We are going to play the well known teenage game, seven minutes in heaven." I laugh and she smirks at me and winks.

"But this is going to be played differently. We will spin a bottle and whoever it lands on is own of the people. Then the person to your right will say who you will be with." She smiles and then says "Now let's get in a circle."
We all make a circle. Me beside Neha and Nick. Stuart is across from me and he winks at me. I smile and turn to see Neha with a bottle of empty beer. She quickly puts it in the middle and spins it.
It goes around the circle at least twice and slowly lands on...Nick. I turn to him to see Billy to his right.

"Dana." He says and I smirk at Nick. He slowly gets up as does Dana. Then they walk to one of the closets and close it.
Many turns go by and I still haven't gotten picked yet. I start to get bored as I stare at the bottle as it spins. I watch as it slowly lands
I look up immediately and look at Nick. Without any thought he says "Stuart." My cheeks flush and I stand up. Stuart does too and follows me as I walk into the closet.
Once Stuart shuts the door I'm instantly up against the wall. Stuart bites down on my earlobe and whispers "Oh how I wanted to finally get us alone." He kisses up my down my neck and toward my collarbone. I moan as he bites on my collarbone and sucks.

His hands trail down and up my sides and my hands are around his neck. I take his glasses off and lean in kissing his lips. He kisses back roughly and I know what he wants. I pull at his hair and groans. I stick my tongue in his mouth and we fight for dominance.
Of course he wins and he explores my mouth. We moan as we both kiss deeply. I pull away and attack his neck leaving love marks on his skin. He moans and groans as I suck.
I slowly trail my hands down his body and out my hands under his pants, grabbing his boxers straps. I pull away and say "Let's get out of here."
He quickly nods and says "Yeah let's do that." We both rush out of the closet, then to the door avoiding the others questions. We both quickly leave going back to our dorms.

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