Meet and Greet

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Outfit above^^
Hey guys I hoped you like the last chapters. I really want this story to blossom so please get others to read.
"Welcome to day two. I am Sid." A older man with a voice that sounded like he was congested said. He has a Afro and looked a all orange shirt on. He looked like your typical nerd in a way tho. I was sitting next to a blonde boy who was actually by that douche bag talking shit to Billy and Nick.
"Eight year Googler. You guys are new Googlers. Thus you are Nooglers." Everyone chuckled but me. I didn't really find it funny. Even Sid laughed.
"Ok now this place is all about community...and collaboration, so you'll be working in teams from here on out-" but the microphone was ripped out of his hand by Chetty.

"You have five minutes...pic your teams." And with that everyone got up and started to run around like maniacs.
"You on me." Douche bag said to the boy beside me. "Get out of my way nerd." He said and pushed making me loose my balance and fall. My bag that had my notebook, laptop, and my pencils fell and the pencils came out.
I quickly grabbed my pencils but one kept rolling. Finally someone stopped it with their foot. I looked up to see not her than beanie boy. He picked it up and gave it to me but then quickly sat down again, looking on his phone.

I put my pencils in my bag and just stood around as everyone got teams. I didn't know what to do or say to anyone, so I just stood there. I looked behind me to see beanie sitting down and leaning back looking at his phone and a Asian boy a few feet away from him, pulling at his eyebrows.
I turned around with a weird expression on my face. I kept looking around and saw the older men trying to get in teams everyone already had a team.
I sighed and sat down putting my hands under my face.
"Buh-bam! Kerplash! Zz-yah!" I heard and looked at a curly headed boy with glasses talking to Billy and Nick. Then the boy pointed at me and I raised my eyebrow. I heard him saying something like Malcolm's my dog and outliers or something. Then the curly headed yelled "But let's get a team meeting going, everybody! Team meet time."

He started to walk down the stairs and say weird stuff. I slowly walked behind him as he pointed at a girl and the two boys, saying "Alright your with me. Come on." He was a little over excited.
"Okay! Let's get some meet and greet going up in this heezy!" Curly haired said clapping his hands. I was sitting on a chair in front of the other girl. "I'm Lyle and it's pretty much Wysiwyg-what you see is what you get." Billy and Nick were sitting on either side of beanie boy as he sat on the couch by himself. Then Asian boy was beside Billy and too my right sitting on a chair.
"Been at the Goog for four years. Working on seven projies en este momento." Lyle says motion with his hands.
"Wow! Seven projects." Nick says impressed.
"Hey, they ask and I do's it. What can I say? I'm a people's pleaser. Specially the ladies, my marcedes! It's all good in Lyles hood." Lyle says winking at me and the other girl. I just laugh at his attempt of flirting.

"Uh yeah, is Lyle always going to be referring himself in the third person? Cause if he is I might want to punch Lyle in the face." Beanie boys says looking up from his phone and gesturing in hand motions. He is slouched down in the sofa with his Dear lord close them.
"Ok tough but far good note. Lyles still a little nervous. Lyles a first-time, lyles a first time manager. Ok I'm going to stop doing that. Keep it to first and second person. Ok who's next?" Lyle stammers and claps his hands together. Lyle sits down next to me rubbing his hands anxiously.
"Calm down a bit. He isn't as bad as he seems." I whisper to Lyle, and he looks at me and nods with a smile.
Then Asian boy stands up and waves saying "My name is Yo-Yo Santoes."
"Yo-Yo high five." And Billy sticks up his hand to give him a high five but Yo-Yo flinches away. My eyes widen at the sudden reflex. Billy and Nick both mutter 'whoas'.

"Yo-Yo easy I come on peace." Billy says shaking his head.
"Did you get beat up a lot in school?" Nick asks looking worried.
"I was homeschooled by my mom." Yo-yo says and I let out a scoff of surprise.
"Did you get beat up a lot in homeschool." Billy asks slowly.
"Discipline is a very important part of growth. But my mother was actually a very nurturing person. For example, she provided me selflessly with the milk of her bosom until I was seven." Yo-Yo nods. Seven me and Lyle mutter at the same time in confusion.

"So it's like uh, your tying your shoes. Climbing trees, your blowing up fireworks and then you got mouth on Mom." Billy says and gestures with his hands making my sigh and look at my feet.
"Breastfeeding leads to higher I.Q." Yo-Yo says and I nod, it's true everyone knows that.
Billy nods his head but Nick says "Well actually the science isn't quite definite on that. I was bottle fed it never slowed me down. Vitamins are vitamins, whether they come from a teat or a baba."
"Wrong." Beanie boy says not looking up from his phone.
"Sorry what was that." Nick said looking at beanie boy.

Beanie boy looked up at them and said "Wrong. The test or baba thing. It's wrong. I just googled it. Your wrong. Oh yeah I'm Stuart." He says looking at everyone. It's a actually nice name. Kinda fits him.
Lyle awkwardly lifts his hand up in a wave gesture.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Stewie. You know you can't trust everything your read on-" Nick says but is cut off by Stuart "The Journal of the American Medical Association? Sound pretty trustworthy." He says looking down. "It says that breast milk haves more nutrients. And that nutrients are-" he begins but I finish "Are more easily digested and absorbed. Already knew that but sorry Nick your confusion is understandable-your were bottle feed." I say pointing at him. Everyone was looking at me with raised eyebrows.
"They are right that's right." Yo-Yo says.
"Whoa! Guys where's all of this hostility coming from?" Billy says easing his hands up in the air.

"Where do you think it's coming from you big tree? Two-fifths of our team are two old guys who don't know shit. And by what's your name you never said it." Stuart says looks me in the eyes.
"Maxy Davis." I say shrugging.
"Okay guys. I for one am very happy to have two strapping mature gentleman on the team." The girl says.
"Thank you." Nick responds.
"Oh uh I'm Neha Patiel. And oh my god. You guys would make the best Luke and Han." Neha says. I smirk at her cosplay comment.
"Excuse me." Billy said.
"Oh 'Star Wars' cosplay." She says nodding.
"Cosplay?" Nick says shaking his head.
"Costume play! People dress up as their favorite anime or movie character. I'd be slave girl Leia. Yeah. Metal bikini top. Metal G-string panty. High heel leather boots. Of course I'm chained at the neck. Not too constricted but enough to make things interesting." She says day dreaming.

"Neck constraints interesting." Billy ask nodding.
"Yeah a few of us get together and whatever happens happens." Neha nods. "Oh but work-wise your skills aren't really relevant here or really in this millennium so say out of our way. Well do this shit on our own." Neha says quickly cutting to the chase. She quickly sits down and Lyle let's out a big puff of air.
"Well I'm loving this friction. You know why, because that's how you get s fire starting. I'm Nick this is my pal Billy and despite what you think we're here just like the rest of you, running down a dream." Nick says nodding.

"All right team Lyle." Lyle says and everyone just stares at him. "Alright well workshop that. It's in beta. Okey-dokey our translate lecture is in 15 minutes." And with that I got up and left to get something to drink.

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