Beach Day

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Please don't play song until it's time!! I'll tell you when it is.
We don't have work for a whole week so the team decides to hang out for a day. We were eating at the cafe in Google just talking about random stuff. My mind wonders to my bucket list and what I have to do still.
Then I smile at the thought of one of the wishes. "Hey guys!" I say excitedly.
They all look at me with expectant looks and I say "We should all go to the beach!" Everyone nods and Nick says "Good idea Maxy. We should go after we are done eating, so we can hang out all day there." I nod and everyone agrees.

After lunch me and Neha head up to my dorm. I open the door and she says "I have to pic out our bathing suits. We have to be super hot so we can get some attention. You know spice it up a little."
"It better be covering me up or I'm not wearing it." I say walking to my swim suit dresser.
She sighs and says "Alright." And we both mutter out laughs. I pull out all my bathing suits and lay them on my bed. She looks at all of them as I decide to call my parents.

I grab my IPhone and scroll through my contacts. When I see my dads name I click on it. A few rings go by as someone says "Hello?"

"Dad it's me Maxy."

"Sweetheart, how are you?!"

"I'm uh great dad." I say not telling him about my symptoms.

"Your mother wants to speak to you...Hello darling." I hear my mother say.

"Hi mum."

"So how is Google? Is everything good?"

"Yeah, yeah everything is great. I met really great people and we are doing awesome."

"That's good. Who did you meet, oh! Did you meet any boys." I blush at her question and I nod. I then say "Yeah um I did. His name is Stuart."

She screams in excitement and I say "Mum calm down I don't want you to loose your breath."

"Oh darling is he handsome, kind, oh is he really smart?"

"Yes mum he is, and more. He's actual on my team-"
"Maxy come on I have a swim suits picked out!" Neha yells at me. I nod at her and quickly say "Sorry mum got to go. We are going to the beach. I love you."

"Love you too darling. Oh and show that boy what you got." And with that she hung up. I laughed at my mum. She is alway wanting me to find a boy to settle down with. I turn to see Neha with two bathing suits in her hand. One is a red bathing suit that is very hot. The other one is multi-colored and has to be tied on the top.
"We are going to look hot. I'll go in the bathroom and you can stay out here." She says and walks to the bathroom. I quickly change into the bathing suit as she closes the door. When I'm done I grab a bag and put sun screen, sunglasses, my phone, lots of towels and some extra necessities.
I pick out two cover ups for me and Neha. Mine was a yellow short summer dress. Then hers was a dress with designs on it. She comes out looking freakin hot and I say "Dang Yo-Yo will be all over you." She blushes and looks at her feet.

I hand her the cover up which she gladly takes and puts on, me doing the same. I get two pairs of black flip flops and hand her a pair. She puts them on and I pick up my bag saying "Ready." She nods.
I get a text from Nick saying we are going to meet them outside by the Google bus. During lunch we all exchanged numbers.
I reply a 'ok' and we head out of our dorms. I lock my doors and we head to the front of Google. When we get there we see all the boys waiting for us in the front of the bus. Lyle, Billy and Nick were talking as Yo-Yo and Stuart were talking too. When we get in front of them they look at us and smirk. "Ready to go?" Billy asks and we all nod.
I sit on the couch on the bus with Neha. Stuart sits across from me and I feel him eyeing me up.
Then I feel my phone ring and I look at it. There is a text from Stuart saying 'You look good.'
'Really you just wait.'
'Trust me I'm looking forward to it.' And with that I smile at my phone. I see Neha staring at Yo-Yo and I smile at her. I found her liking Yo-Yo adorable.

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