Share Your Stories

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          S H A R E  Y O U R  S T O R I E S

          THIS BOOK WILL FEATURE REAL life experiences from male members of the Wattpad campaign, and give readers a sense of personal realism revolving around male struggles. Each chapter will have a story told from the words of a Wattpad user, and whether they be a Watty Award winner or a person simply looking for a place to share their story, we welcome each and every one of you with open heart and mind and a place to tell your story free of judgement.

          Share Your Stories aspires to show readers and writers alike the harsh reality that some of the male members of the Wattpad live in, and those who so bravely tell their story, we offer you our support and love and a place to feel at peace. This campaign was never just virtual, but it lives in the hearts of those who have connected with our message and find comfort with us. And so we ask you, regardless of your age, ethnicity, religion and sexuality, that if you are willing, to share your story with us and provide understanding and create a new depth for this campaign.

          If you do decide to tell us your story, you can PM us through our profile and select whether you would like to remain anonymous or not. But we also must say that if there is a breach of standards that it may be filtered slightly, so please do not be offended or alarmed if there are slight changes in your story. Those are our guidelines, but one very prominent one we must address is that there is a zero tolerance for bullying. It takes courage to share their stories, and if it is seen that someone has commented something harsh or deemed offensive, they will be blocked and their comment deleted.

          All we ask is for you story. Whether they be utterly heart-wrenching or make us laugh until our sides are splitting, or a simple act of kindness, or perhaps something that happened to a friend or family member. Maybe it be a rant that you needed to get off your chest, or an insight of your daily life, we ask that you share it with us. Because the world needs to know that male struggles are just as significant as a females.

          We love you, and we hope you were inspired.

          Thank you, Jade.

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