He was free to be against other girls' (imprintee's) influence, she gave him the power to be whole and to be who he was even if he played videos games late at night. They have different styles of life but they also didn't live in the same place, so the distance wasn't so sudden and because she gave him the reign to be who he was. He was ready to fight and make their love relationship work because he wanted to not because he needed to.


Claire had heard from Emily how wondering imprinting was (yes, Emily let her into the secret before she imprint) not being shy to tell her how Sam who was their second degree's fiancé, in a snap, fall for her. She decided to visit her and maybe be have the opportunity to imprint on one of the guys and it happens with Quil. For two years, she was living a fairytale with and Emily told her all the tricks, she needed to know, she appreciates the other imprints but didn't have the greatest relationship with her second-degree cousin or whatever in the genealogical three, they were.

"I want you to come back with me, Quil," in a firm but gentle voice. She didn't want her Quil to participate in the war. Not again, she wasn't there when the newborns battle happen, but Emily had given the details of it because Quil was afraid to scare her off, that she gets unsettle and didn't like to talk about it

"What!" he exclaimed looking at her like she was crazy," you want me to leave behind my pack brothers to be with you?"

"Yes, and you won't be alone Sam will be there for Emily! And I know that Kim would do her very best to have Jared changed his mind and follow us back home."

"Have you hit your head earlier, Claire! Jared's considered your cousins as his little siblings. He won't have them go in that threat without him. He assured Maura and Qi, that he would take care of them and keep an eye on them. You know Maura and Qi, your cousin Emily older sibling? Sam is an Alpha, and he will get skinned alive by Sue if he doesn't bring them alive! He's an Alpha and won't coward to run away, he has responsibilities," not mentioning to her that Sam, ALWAYS had feelings for Leah, and he got very desperate when she left for Jacob's Pack, they saw him guarding the Clearwater's house or always thinking of her when he didn't wince from pain or pushed himself through the pain. " I was just thinking you could go to the Makah's land and help your cousins and help Emily, but there's no way I'm backing down."

"Quil! Don't be like that, " she tried to shush him, she knew from Emily's discussion how hard sometimes their men could be. Emily had a hard time controlling Sam, after three years, Emily had told her how a child and a wedding would settle Sam down.

Quil winced feeling the pain in his chest starting from the left where his heart was then spreading everyone in his chest area, filling the burning sensation - smoke filling his lungs, no wonder Sam hard a hard time to fight it and he knew Sam was the fighter for Leah and himself's sake. He never shares his pain but damm went he got deep like that and started thinking about Leah and that the imprint knows (female intuition). It was H.E.L.L. It was clear that Claire knew that he was pulling from the bond, from her, and was putting keeping the leash short on him, not trying to strangle him but a very unconformable feeling. Like he had cheated on her with his response or thoughts. The pain was unbearable for a small no or raising his voice which he never did before. He could understand pain from Sam and dilemma to nearly died from trying to be with Leah or to stay alive and see Leah blossomed or/and not lose him for trying to be with her? The pain from refusing Claire to back down, but this place inspired to fight back against his bond, to be himself. To be equal.

He never explicitly told her that it was fucked up, how they were all cousins to each other and just had intertwined destinies. But that's how it works in their Reserved, the young couple who didn't think of having a future get pregnant; do drugs and alcohol. It used to circulate a lot less with the wolve's phenomenon, huge struggle to be interesting to finish high school and let's not talk that a few wedding happens between cousins to keep bloodline and everyone was in love with everyone. This was their life and having the Young in the Reserved was not new blood because the Young came from the previous generation.

"My decision is final, Quil, you will come with me because as your imprint, I want you to," baffled from Quil refusal.

"I have a role as a pack member and ties with my brothers, I thought you can understand that."

"I know but we can both be in the Makah's land and have our time to meet my parents, and you learned more about me. We can start a family, I'm twenty-three years old, people had my age had two - three kids, I want that with you!"

"Claire," Quil never begged, this was a nightmare, he passed his right hand in his hair, how could Claire be selfish, even Leah wasn't that selfish, okay maybe on Seth because she considered him as her young very young (like Seth was still ten years when he was twenty years old) brother. " I don't want to be mean, but I got to stick with my family."

"I AM NOT YOUR FAMILY?" she shrieked, Emily was right, this place was not good for her Quil, she needed to make him understand that it was not healthy to stay here.

"Of...of...course..not..not," Quil stuttered suddenly afraid by her vocal reaction. "But, you will be safe at the Quileute or Makah lands with no problem, and they say that people would check on you. On the hand, waiting anxiously and pacing in the house while I wait for months with nothing to do, is that what you want?"

"Quil," didn't he heard her? At all. "You won't be doing nothing you will meet my parents, she explained slowly like he was a child of five years," we can live and have sex either on the Quileute or Makah lands and..."

"Children! You are thinking of children while a war is over our heads?" his eye widened like Claire really lost her mind," You want to bring a child. Meanwhile, there's a threat, and this is a planned pregnancy, Claire, and it's not similar to Harry Potter, but still is when we can both avoid that fate for our child."

"But you won't go to war, you will be with me!" she said, why did Quil struggle suddenly to understand, it must be this place reeking from a perfume that let him be not her Quil.

"Sorry, Claire, I have to leave! This is just not reasonable from you, I will let the people in here to get your things and get you back there."

Quil never thought he would be able to turn around from a dispute, his first dispute with Claire and leave. Each step was giving him a burning making his heart beat faster, he felt his members trembled uncontrollably because Claire had a hold on him, she was the one in power of the couple's decision. His pain diminished as he thought how his decision to protect her from getting her hurt, to be safe as it was The Motto, of an imprint, but he kept walking to his future with his pack sister and brothers.


I never saw Claire being mean to anyone! In any fanfic, I have read, so some may not like it, but I thought it would be refreshing and surprising. Next stop Emily P.O.V. completely and then how to prepare to war. There's a lot of chapters lefts minimum 12. And a sequel, I have the sequel plan, I just have to take time to finish this story and continued on my personal writing for school, but I update a bit faster. I really want to go on the sequel, thought sexuality will be included, and it will definitely be Rated M.

Do any of you read these author notes? Or you just skip them? What did you think of these two imprintees? Do you like the story, I know you want me to update but I wonder if you enjoy or you just wished to see Leah and Sam together?

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