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While all this excitement was going on in the school hall, Alicia was lying down on a sofa in the common room.

'Blow those Pi Sisters!' she exclaimed, tossing and catching a tennis ball in the air repeatedly. It was, after all, the only activity she could do alone.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Alicia sat up. Could it be Darrell, coming to gloat about how fun the whole evening was?

But no, it was not Darrell. There entered a man in gold leather breeches and a white, rhinestone-studded jacket. His sunglasses, also gold, flashed in the room. It was Marc B!

'Golly!' said Alicia in a star-struck voice. 'Marc B! You don't remember me from half-term, I suppose?'

'Of course I do,' Marc B flashed her a smile. 'I remember all my fans.' And indeed he did, for he was almost as egoistic as his daughters, and loved people fawning over him. 'You're Alice – no, Alicia.'

Alicia beamed! He knew her name! But then she remembered the Pi Sisters' party.

'Aren't you supposed to be in the school hall?' she asked, a glum tone creeping into her voice.

'Yes!' he exclaimed. 'I needed the directions. I don't suppose you can help me?'

'Of course I can!' cried Alicia. 'But I'll have to stop at the door, because I'm not invited to the party!'

'So what?' said Marc B casually. 'My daughters won't notice if there's one extra person, and you'll enjoy it!'

So out went Alicia and Marc B arm-in-arm, chattering nine to the dozen as they walked into the school hall.

The moment they entered, there was complete silence.

'It's Marc G!' shouted Irene.

'Marc B, you duffer,' nudged Darrell.

'Daddy!' shrieked the twins. 'You're late.'

And then Doris caught sight of the girl next to their father. Her face was lit up, and she was wearing her pajamas. She looked utterly unrepentant. It was none other than their greatest nemesis, Alicia Johns.

'HER!' bellowed Doris, aiming a slice of Nigella's Simnel Cake at Alicia.

'HER!' whined Fanny, lobbing a spoonful of chocolate mousse at her Daddy.

'HER!' remarked Nigella, busy polishing off a third slice of Simnel Cake. 'Wait girls, who even is she?'

'Only our biggest enemy and the most horrid girl in the school!' screeched Doris.

'We're out of here if she's staying!' the twins cried as they flounced out of the room. They banged the door shut in a huff.

'Oh well,' shrugged Marc B unconcernedly. He licked the chocolate mousse off his face. 'Let's get this party started.'

Alicia cheered. The girls cheered. Nigella made her way to the buffet.

The Pi Sisters moped in their room. Even Auntie Nigella hadn't defended them! Their party had been a disaster.

'We only got one good gift – Auntie Nigella's -  and twenty lousy ones,' said Fanny sullenly.

Doris nodded. 'And don't you think that Auntie skimped on the gift a bit this time?'

'Yes,' sniffed Fanny. 'It was only Swarovski crystal! Not even diamonds! I was a bit shocked, but had the good grace to act thankful.'

'Nothing compared to her last gift of diamond encrusted Simnel cakes,' muttered Doris. 'I shan't give her a proper hug when she leaves tomorrow – that'll teach her.'

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