Part 17

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Seth's point of view;

The music is beating loud against my ears. The place is starting to get really hot. I really want to leave but I can't.

I can't leave Nikki here. For some reason I feel the responsibility to take care of her. Even if she doesn't want me to. It's pretty stupid honestly.

"Seth!" I turn to see Dean with a glass of fruit punch which I'm pretty sure it's alcohol. He hands it to me and I push it away. "No thanks. I'm not drinking tonight."

He raises an eyebrow, "There's a surprise." He says drinking it himself. "Dean you're seriously dressed like a porn star." I say staring at his cop costume.

"I look hot. So I've been told by a lot of girls." He says with a smirk. "Talking about sexy girls. Have you seen Renee?" He asks.

"No. Not really." Mostly because I've been standing in a corner where I'm not seen. "She looks hot. What I mean hot. I bet she wore the costume just for you."

"Dean. We've been over this. Renee is a very attractive girl but-" he cuts me off, "Yeah, yeah. Nicole."

"I feel super guilty if I talk to another girl." I say, "She certainly doesn't feel guilty. She's been dancing with John the whole night." He says looking over at Nikki and John.

He's must've seen my face because he quickly adds, "Sorry but you know it's true." I nod my head. "I know."

"Hey Dean. Want to dance?" Fox says coming behind, Dean. "You bet I do, Foxy." He says walking with her. And biting his lip as she walks in front of him. I roll my eyes, he's such a flirt. I don't think he will ever change.

In a second I recognize Renee. She does look stunning. Breathtaking I would say. She's drinking with some friends, including Brie.

I decide to walk out of the place before Renee approaches me. I don't want to hurt her feelings again.

It feels hot and humid. I lay on top of my car and watch the night sky. I close myself and feel myself drift to sleep as I lay there hearing the loud music from inside.


My eyes open quickly when I hear something on a bush. I sit up and see a dark figure. It's definitely a female because of the the curves.

She's struggling to get something. I hop off my car and walks towards her. "Hey, do you need help?" Once I see who it is I feel my heart palpitations increase.

"Nikki. Do you need help?" I whisper. She shakes her head no but doesn't look at me. I then notice that her heel from her boot is stuck.

I kneel down and help her. "Thanks." She says so quietly I can barely hear it. Nicole Garcia actually said thanks. Is this world coming to an end?

Her makeup is runny. She looks tired and drunk. "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods and laughs, "I'm great!" She starts walking away but looses balance and almost falls. She leans against my car and I run to her.

"Be careful." I say, she throws her head back laughing like crazy. "I almost fell silly me." She keeps laughing.

"You're really drunk." I say. "No I'm not. I only drunk like three or four." She says holding up two fingers. "It was fruit punch. They lied to me. The fruit punch actually has a ton of alcohol." She laughs again.

Jumbled Heartaches* WWE FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon