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I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm. Sighing i sat up, today was grocery shopping day. With a loud groan and forced myself out of the bed and headed for the shower. Afterwards i headed for the store. I almost had everything when I saw him, im jaebum. It was like hed been froze in time, he hadn't aged a day. The only things that had changed were his awful highschool uniform had been replaced with causal clothes and his cocky grin had been replaced with a blank almost sad expression. Panic washed over me for a split second before i remembered i wasn't a highschooler anymore. I was a grown man, and i definitely wasn't going to stay afraid, not anymore.
The lunch bell had just rang, a sea of students flooded into the crampt halls as i fleed for the roof top. I almost managed to escape when i heard him. "Well well what do we have here. Where do you think your going? Thought you could avoid me?" I gulped, i didn't dare look up to meet his gaze. The person infront of me was my tormentor, my personal hell. He was also my lover, the reason i smiled. "Refusing to talk? Fine lets go to the roof. We can have a little fun up there" he shoved me up the stairs before speaking again "aren't you scared of heights? Why don't i help you out, everyone has to face their fears right?" I felt my knees start to give as tears blurred my vision "please...jaebum." I pleaded as he backed me up to the edge of the roof. He smelled of freshly brewed coffee and cheap cigarettes, a smell i once found comforting. He gripped a fist full of my uniform and shoved me slightly, now the only thing keeping my from falling was his grip. I glanced down, the ground was a million miles away, it was beginning to spin. My breath was shallow as tears streamed down my face. My vision faded in and out as panic took over. "See? Its not so bad. You can thank me later." His voice was the only reason i hadn't passed out yet, i was determined to focus on it and stay strong. Mark, he would come looking for me, he'd save me. Jaebums grip began to loosen on my uniform as i dangled helplessly over the edge "please ....jaebum. Just..stop." He scuffed "your fine, im not going to drop you." My eyes snapped shut as my heart beat out of my chest, i was going to fall if he didnt pull me back. "Youngjae? Are you out here?" I heard mark shout slightly. "Fuck, how did he find us?" Jaebum mumbled. "Young- what the fuck are you doing to him, jaebum." My eyes fluttered open "mark...help me" was all i croak out. Anger flashed over jaebums face as mark ran toward us, he jerked me up right as jaebums grip slipped. I collided into marks chest before my kness gave out. "Thank you" was as i said. Mark turned his attention back to jaebum "hey ass hat. Hes fucking terrified of heights but you knew that right? He told you didnt he? He trusted you, you are a coward. Worse the garbage. Just because you scared of what everyone will think if they knew you were gay as hell doesn't mean you should put him through this. This is your fucking last chance to just leave. Leave him alone, you dont love him enough to face your fears, you dont love him enough to care about what this does to him. You don't love him at all. Just leave him alone." Jaebum laughed and shook his head "you wouldn't know what love was if it hit you in the face would you? Cause yours is one sided. Hes right there, tell him, tell him how much love him. How much better your are for him than me. You cant do it can you?" Marks face contorted to an unreadable expression as he silently approached jaebum. Jaebum backed up slightly but he was not fast enough, mark had already thrown a punch. There was no one to stop the fight this time, except me and my legs refused to work. Silently i cursed as i watched helplessly as my best friend beat the shit out of im jaebum. "Stop! Just stop!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Fist froze in mid air as both shocked faces faced me. "Mark please. Help me up, lets just leave. Hes not worth the energy. I want to go and sit down for a few, i feel sick." Mark nodded as he headed toward me. My cold gaze met jaebums hurt expression. Before i could say anything else mark was hauling me through the doors and down the stairs.
His gaze met mine as we stood in the middle of the store, froze in place. I took a deep breath as i tore my eyes away from his. I could feel his piercing gaze as i pushed past people, i will not look back, i will not look back. Once i had paid for my grocery's i sped home, my heart ached with each step i took. Never had i imagined seeing him again, never. Sometimes we aren't meant to get over someone, and we go on living a bit emptier.

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