First Words

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I started watching this anime called Death Parade. I love the story and the characters. I love the art style they use and I'm already itching to make an OC for it. But imma wait until I finish the 12 episodes first ;]

UPDATE: Already finished it, and decided to create Yuukaji with their art style. The picture is her, she has red eyes to signify the Uchiha's Sharingan. This was pretty hard, I did it with a mouse, way before I got a drawing tablet.

Usually, in anime, they make the character an annoying kid who is really plain in appearance and is either really nice and naive or loud and annoying who tries to fix everything

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Usually, in anime, they make the character an annoying kid who is really plain in appearance and is either really nice and naive or loud and annoying who tries to fix everything. It annoys me a lot.

There are few good animes where the characters don't piss me off, and Death Parade is one of them.

11/10 would recommend watching.


"Come on Yuu-chan, say my name. Shi-su-i." Watching the boy plead the little girl to say his name was amusing. Not as amusing as watching her father blush whenever she did something cute but almost.

"Shisui! No nicknames! Yuukaji will never know her name if you keep shortening it." Mikoto scolding Shisui was also equally amusing. She did it often, mostly when he got a little too rough playing with Yuukaji.

"Sorry, Aunty Mikoto!" Mikoto smiled with a raised eyebrow and went back into the kitchen.

Shisui watched as she left, leaning forward to make sure she didn't come back.

He pursed his lips and stared back at Yuukaji, who was giggling at his misfortune.

"Very funny, Yuu-chan." He paused and stared at the kitchen doorway, waiting for Mikoto to come running at him with a spatula.

Yuukaji found Shisui downright funny. He tried so hard to get her to say his name, but she felt like teasing the poor boy and only left him with baby sounds that made him feel exasperated.

After Shisui left, Mikoto immediately hounded the poor girl.

She spent almost an hour trying to get her to say "kaa-chan". She was disappointed that the only thing she could achieve from her was baby gurgles.

Mikoto had to sadly leave little Yuukaji in the arms of her husband to go do laundry. The clothes weren't going to do themselves.

With only a glance at the baby in his arms, Fugaku watched his wife leave the sitting room and out to the back. He didn't say anything for a while, only eyeing the baby as if she was going to pull a kunai out of her diaper and commit murder.

"Otousan." Yuukaji was surprised. Here was her father, the very man she knew to be hard on his kids, staring at her expectantly as he slowly pronounced the endearment, waiting for her to repeat it.

Normally, she would've just teased him like Shisui and Mikoto but she was fond of Fugaku. She spent the past 2 months watching this man, feared by many, playing with her. Laughing at her babyness and now trying to get his only daughter to call him father.

He was just being a dad, sure a dad who was a ninja and made poor decisions. But he was her father and she was proud of him.

So here she was actually spending the time to copy him, as frustrating as it was with her tongue twisting everywhere with the horrible coordination of a baby.

He seemed pretty content with her over exaggerated "tuh" sound with a very perceivable "ow" at the end.

Yuukaji herself was proud of what she did, sure "tuh-ow" wasn't really a word but was pretty darn close, and it made her father happy.

Were babies from ninja families always this smart? She wondered. Fugaku didn't seem the least bit surprised of her already forming words.

Either babies were very progressive in this world or Fugaku was just expecting a lot from her.

He swiped his hand through her dark baby curls, smiling. He paused and glanced down the hall, where mother went. His eyes shifted noticeably and turned back to the baby in his arms.

"Good job, Yuu-chan."

Giggles escaped her mouth as her father went behind Mikoto's back, using the dreaded nickname that everyone seemed to call her, sans her mother.

If Mother knew what her husband was doing, she would've slapped him a new one.


Her brother was adorable. Already she was calling him "Ita". That was the name she was calling out all the time, every time she opened her mouth, her father gave her a stare, waiting for her to call for him. He was thoroughly disappointed when her brother's name came squealing out.

Yuukaji hasn't responded to her mother's urge to call her Kaachan. Her mother was a little bitter in the beginning, giving her husband and eldest the silent treatment.

A little while later, her father went crawling to his wife, giving Itachi a dignified pouty look. Mikoto sympathized with Fugaku, welcoming him in with open arms to her group of people who resented Itachi and the way he enthralled Yuukaji.

Either Itachi was oblivious to what was going on or he was a smug little shit. He gave his parents an innocent smile and turned to his sister's callings for him to play with her.

Yuukaji supposed she could give her mother a break and respond to her but right now she has Itachi to tend to. He was trying to get her attention and who was she deny him?

Each day, Itachi would come home from the academy. There were many times where he skipped homework to play with Yuukaji but once his mother caught him and scolded him he never did it again. When she was home that is.

As Yuukaji played in her room, Itachi would sit by her, doing his homework. If she was any other baby, she would've been trying to get her brother's attention, crawling all over him and disrupting his work. Yuukaji was of course unlike any other baby, she knew to leave Itachi be and to not distract him. Once he was done then she'll start crawling all over him.  


Woot. Already working on the next chapter ;]

The Uchiha Princess (Naruto/OC/Reborn)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें