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He was standing there. Looking into the crystal blue water. He looked modelesque. He turns and looks at you and you have to act like you weren't staring at the love of your live. And you don't even know his name.

Your sitting on the wall with your feet in the sand. You feel the hot sun radiating of your body. You decide to go in the water. After all you might talk to him. You walk the twenty-five feet to get out the waters edge. You feel the cold water on your toes and automatically get a little nervous to go in.

You see him. He is right next to you. He looks at you and says "I'll go in if you do." You clearly see that he was in already so you decide that it's ok to go in, so you say back "Ok yea."

He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to him. He slowly makes his way into the water pulling you along. Keep in mind you still don't know who he is.

"I-I-I Its cold!" You shout as a small wave comes toward you. Still holding your hand he goes over the wave dragging you along.
As he's half way over he says "Julian" and you look at him a little confused and he clarifies, "My name is Julian haha Yours?"

"Vanessa, where are you from?"
"Boynton Beach You"
And you continue with the small talk until he sees something. It's a dolphin.

You get scared. And he sees that. He hugs you. You ask if you can get out because you are still very cold. You both get out of the water.

You follow Julian to get towels then you go to his car. He says he will drive you to your house.

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