Chapter Thirty-Two

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Alan's POV

It was the same thing everyday. Wake up, get dressed, eat and take my pill, go to school and run through the day.

I hated it.

I was so bored doing the same thing everyday. I missed my adventures. I missed getting high with my old friends and I missed going to parties.

I wanted to go back to my adventures, even if Austin wasn't there.  I wanted them back.  I missed not thinking before I did something.

So for the past couple days or so, I haven't taken them. I skipped out and just flushed one down to make it look like I was taking them.  I didn't want to be on them anymore, I wanted to have fun again. I missed having my fun.

So that's why today I had skipped school- like I have for a few days-  and sat in my room smoking some pot. Jane and John were at work and Kellin was at school, I left him but ditched out as soon as I saw him leave me alone. This was better than going to school anyway.  I blew out the smoke and laid back on my bed. I let out a loud sigh and smiled at the ceiling.

God I smiled doing this, it was way better with other people but I could handle it alone. I can't believe I ever stopped doing this. It was the best thing ever.

I finished up the last of it and giggled. I should go see Austin. He should be out of school by now. I really missed him and wanted to see my boyfriend.  I stood up carefully and headed out of my smokey room. I probably should have opened a window or something like that but, too late now.

I stumbled a little downstairs but soon enough I was out of the house and heading to Austin's school. I was so excited to see him, I couldn't wait! 

When I got there I waited impatiently waiting for his schooling to end. It felt like forever and I hated waiting for him. I just wanted him to hurry up and get out of class.  I wanted to see him. I wanted to kiss him and hug him as much as I could. I practically screamed when I saw the kids come flooding out.  I grinned and giggled a little as I looked around for Austin.

Maybe when I saw him we could get some food.  Food sounded really good to be honest.   I was starving.

"Austin!"  I shouted when I saw him.

"Alan? Princess what are you doing?"

"I wanted to see you!" I giggled throwing my arms around him.

"You smell weird," he murmured and picked me up.

I kissed him ignoring the question.

"You're so cute," I stated when we pulled apart.

"Why are your eyes all red?"

"Don't worry about it. You wanna get something to eat?"

"Yeah but I want answers baby."

"I'm high as a fucking kite right now."



"You're supposed to stay away from that stuff baby."

"It's fine."

"No it's not."

"Come on. It's fun." I said kissing him.


"Yeah it is, don't be like that."

"I'm going to "be like that" Alan, you're not supposed to be getting high."

I groaned and pulled away from him, "You're not fun."

"I know."

"I'm gonna go home you meany."

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now