Chapter Eight

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Hi guys! It's Gabi! (Imagine me waving like a dummy) I'm posting this chapter for babe and I couldn't help but like say hi so.... Hi!

Alan's POV

I let out a laugh as my friend Grace told a joke. She and myself were gathered at the park sitting in the grass together. We had all just decided to leave school early today to hang out for a few hours.

It was relaxing considering most of them were stoned from earlier today. Which was pretty entertaining to be honest.

"I don't think any of you get how it all works," Grace said, "I mean it's fascinating."

"Then explain it!" I told her.

She shook her head, "You'll never truly understand Alan."

"Okay then..."

She giggled a little before cracking up in a fit of laughter and falling onto her back. I rolled my eyes, fucking weirdo.

"You're still coming to my house later right!?" She asked stilling straight up, "It's gonna be a crazy time."

"Of course! I never miss a party."

"But you missed Dominic's party last night! I looked everywhere for you. I'm a little disappointed."

I frowned, "I know."

"Well you make it up by coming to mine. And I want to get laid later so are you gonna help me?"

"Of course I'll help!"

"This is why we're friends Ashby." She said moving over and sitting beside me.

I laughed, "I know it is."

"Will you lay me Ashby?"

"Just get me drunk and we'll see."

A smile came across her face and I smiled back. If I was being honest Grace was one of the few girls I've even had sex with. She always managed to find me while I was wasted. I didn't mind it though, she was good in bed. The worst part about it though was that when I was sober and she was high or drunk she was touchy feely and she loved trying to kiss me. Which was really gross because no, girls were just no. Unless I was drunk then anything that could have sex was on my radar.

"Alan." She said poking my cheek.


"You zoned out on me."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay." She mumbled and started kissing my neck lightly.

"Grace, stop it."

"Why? You're so cute."

"Cause I said."

"Well I'm not stopping," She said and wrapped her arms around me, nuzzling her face against my neck.

I sighed but let her keep kissing and sucking on my neck. It was so awkward and I couldn't help but kinda wish it was Austin instead. I wanted his arms wrapped around me and to feel his lips on mine again. I don't know what it was about him, but I just wanted to kiss him and maybe fuck him. I just wanted him.

And I didn't like that.

I didn't want to want him. I didn't want to want to feel his lips again or feel his arms wrapped around me. But I did and that kinda scared me. I was terrified of catching feelings for some boy I barely even knew. I didn't want to even be around him but I did at the same time. At this point when it came to Austin I was one big contradiction. I didn't like that at all, before I met that awkward boy I was just content with everything and then he came along.

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now