Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Alan's POV

I groaned and pulled the blanket up over my head. I felt like complete shit and I did not want to be forced to going to church today.

"Alan, get up." Jane said opening the door.

"No." I whined, "I don't feel good."


"Yeah, my head hurts. I've been up half the night coughing."

"Normally I would make you go but considering what happened yesterday with your birth parents, fine you can." She said with a sigh. "But if you're too sick to go to church, you're too sick to go anywhere else."

I didn't say anything as I started coughing, "I feel like death."

"Alright, make sure you take medicine and call me if you need anything."

"I will, I will."

"Okay, love you."

"Mhm okay. See you guys later." I mumbled burying myself in my bed.

Jane sighed and left my room, shutting my door after her.

I sniffled and wiped my nose, "Ew." I whined and got up walking to the bathroom for some tissue.

I shivered slightly as I just grabbed all of it and went back to bed. I hated getting sick because that meant nothing fun, which meant I couldn't do anything with Austin. And worst of all, it meant I couldn't kiss Austin.

I couldn't go without his kisses.

My phone vibrated and I grabbed seeing a text from Austin asking where I was. I text him back telling him I was sick. He immediately texted back asking if I wanted him to come over and take care of me. I smiled and told him only if he wanted to before I put my phone back not bothering to look at the next message.

Knowing Austin he was probably on his way.

I cuddled up in my blankets after stripping off all my clothes leaving myself naked. I kept getting hot then I would get cold again, god I hated it. I let out a sigh before soon falling asleep.

"Alan?" Austin whispered, poking my face.

I flinched away and slapped his hand, "Stop."

"Have you taken any medicine?"

"No I haven't."

"Well, get up Princess, you need to get some medicine in your system."

"I don't wanna." I whined before I sneezed.

Austin sighed and picked me up, blankets and all, "Too bad. You need it."

"Shouldn't you be at church?"

"Not when my boyfriend is sick," he said, brushing hair out of my face.

"Thank you baby."

"So, what all's wrong with my poor little baby?"

"My head hurts, runny nose, cough and I might have a fever."

"Aw you have a little cold," Austin cooed.

"I hate being sick."

"I know you do."

I pouted, "That's means no kisses."

"I can still kiss your forehead," Austin said, before doing just that.

"But it's not the same."

"I know it's not, but until you feel better, that's all you're getting."

"Can I get neck kisses?"

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now