Chapter Two

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Alan's POV

"Alan don't forget to talk to your guidance counselor about your grades and how you can get everything together- this time." Jane said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah of course. I can't wait to go back." I said sarcastically.

"Kellin, make sure he actually does it." John said looking over at Kellin who was just quietly eating his breakfast.

"I can do it." I said. "I don't need a babysitter."

John gave Kellin a look and he sighed, "I'll make sure he does it, don't worry."

"Thank you."

Kellin nodded, "It's no problem."

"Don't forget to talk to your teacher about that extra credit either."

"I'll make sure to talk to her about it first thing."


"Seriously? Extra credit?"  I asked, "What does he need extra credit for?"

"Alan maybe you'd understand if you actually did extra credit and your school work," Jane said.

"Why would I want to do that? But that's still stupid, he's making good grades I d-" I stopped when I saw Kellin glaring at me and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, nevermind."

"Great. Now don't be late for school. John and I have to get going."

"Okay, we'll see you two later then," Kellin told them with a smile as he stood up and took his dish to the sink and our foster parents left.

"Do we have to go to school?" I asked following Kellin into the kitchen.

"Yes we do," He informed me as he cleaned up a little.

I sighed, "Okay."

"You act like school is the worst thing in the world," He stated grabbing his backpack as he started to the front door, grabbing his car keys off the hook as he did.

"It kinda is though." I said following him outside.

"It kinda isn't though."

I rolled my eyes and got into the car. Kellin got in the driver's side and started the drive to school. 

I leaned my head on the window and watched outside as he drove.

"So what's the extra credit for?" I asked attempting to make conversation.

"It's for physics, and I need it because that's what I had the B in and Jane thinks getting extra credit will look good on college stuff."

"Oh college, I'm not going to that."

"You should.

"It's too late for me to think about that stuff. With where I am at, its useless now."

"Don't be so dramatic. It's never too late Al," Kellin said rolling his eyes.

"College is overrated. I'll be dead soon enough so I won't have to worry about college. "

"Don't talk like that Alan!"

"Too late."

"You're not going to be dead you butt head."


"Not any time soon."

"You never know."

"Yes I do. I'm all knowing."

"Mhm sure."

Kellin mumbled something under his breath and pulled into the school parking lot.

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now