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Nina'a POV

   I pulled myself up and looked to find a girl with purple eyes and a purple mouth with raging fire hair, a red bow and obsidian shoes with a short dress of flowing lava. Next to her was a girl with carmal hair with a t-shirt and shorts with black high heeled shoes with faint freckles,  sky blue eyes, and an iron sword. I boy was further back behind the two girls with a diamond sword and brown eyes and hair with pants and a shirt.

"Um, are you okay? You look like you're about to faint or something." the girl with fire hair said.

"Uh, yeah." I looked around.Where was Leo.  Did he bring these people here?

"Hey, what's yah name?" the girl with carmal hair said.

"Nina. May I ask who you guys are?" Nina sat down on her bed.

"Yeah, my name is Mia (carmal hair, sword, shorts, and t-shirt), her name is Chooky (With fire hair and lava dress),  and his name is Dylan (Diamond sword, brown hair, pants and shirt). " the girl with carmal hair said. She looked about my age.

"Okay, how old are you guys?" I asked.

"I'm 16, she's 15, and he is 15 too." Chooky said.

"Cool, I'm 15 also." I said.

"That was some mob. If I didn't come, you would of been dead." Dylan swung his sword a few times.

"I'm sure." I joked.

"No, really. I'm the best swordsman in Minecraft.  I'm the Dylan." he said.

"Oh. My, GOSH! I am a big fan. You are like so awesome! " I jumped up and down with excitement that Dylan was acutely in my house.

"Wow, fan girl moments." Chooky said.

"Hey, where's Leo?" I stopped jumping.

"Uhh, who?" they all asked me back.

"Oh no! He didn't bring you guys here? Agh, where is he? He could be dead." I whined.

"Um, is it okay if we camp here tonight?" Mia asked.

"Um, this is Leo's house,  but sure." I replied.

"Thanks." Chooky said.

"In the morning,  I'll build you guys houses, if you don't have one." I said.

"Oh, okay. I don't really have a house, I just travel around fighting.  But sure, it will be fun to have a house." Dylan said.

"Mine caught on fire." Mia said.

"Sure, I can have two houses. I'll move out of my other house and make that other house into a secret passage or something. " Chooky nodded.

   I made I few beds from the pink wool Leo had and we went to sleep.

Leo' s POV

   It was so dark. If the thing wasn't making noises,  I would've lost it. I heard it scratch on... stone? I walked over to the noise. I heard a click and then I was falling. It was light at the bottom. I knew I would die when I hit the bottom. I tried to think of my happy thoughts before I die. At the last second, ladders were on the last two blocks. It was so the person could survive.

"Ha! Take that death!" I yelled.

   I heard nothing down here.  It was a trap. I looked at the ladders and I thought of something. I put one ladder up, climbed it, put the other one above me, broke the other one to collect it, put that one above,  and I kept repeating. I soon got to the ground level again and it was light out.

Nina! I voice inside my head yelled.

   I realized she could be dead. I rushed to my house. All the zombies were gone. I opened Nina's door to her house. Empty. I went to my house and opened the door. I saw three people on beds. In the corner was Nina. I saw she was sleeping. I looked a boy with a diamond sword.


   I grabbed his sword. Right when I touched his sword, his eyes flew open and he put me in a headlock.

"Nina, RUN!" I yelled wanting her to be safe.

"Whaaaat?" Nina got up and rubbed her eyes.

   The other two girls woke up and stared at me. The one with carmal hair threw rocks at me. Why?

"Ow! Stop it!" I yelled.

"Omg!  Stop it, NOW! He's good, he's Leo!" Nina yelled rushing to me.

"Thanks" I said to Nina as the guy let go.

"Who are they?" asked.

"Oh, they saved my life." Nina said. But I was suppose to be her knight in shining armor and save her, not them. But then again, I kinda abandoned her.

"That's Mia, Dylan,  and Chooky." she said.

I glared at them and sat down to rest.

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