Minecraft: Survival

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I own my story/plot/characters. So if you do copy my story, I will definitely report your story along with messaging you and commenting on your bored. So please, don't copy any of my stories. Thank you.

Leo's POV

I looked around me. I somehow was in a tall tree made of leaves in a block. I saw the sun coming up. I looked to my left and saw a fire going out, no, several fires. I gasped and fell out of the tree. I hit myself with a thud. Instantly, I knew if I lost all ten of my hearts, I would die.

I felt a bit weak for a minute, then I felt better again. I started walking around. I had no idea where I was, I had a small backpack and a blue jaket over a white shirt with blue jeans. I walked over to where the fires were, there was a gray powder.... gunpowder. I collected three gunpowders and put them in my backpack. I looked inside of my backpack and it looked like I could fit 100 things in there. The gunpowder was really light.

I walked around some more and saw a big, tall, building. It was made out of netherland stuff. I walked in and took a look around. There was a cafe. I looked out through a window, there was an outdoor cafe too. There was a counter with four waiters behind the counter smiling.


I looked up and there was a few people in here. Some were reading. Some were eating mushroom soup, drinking milk, muching on an apple, having a slice of cake, or eating eggs with bread. The bread smelled good. I went to an open waiter.

"What will you take for gunpowder? " I asked.

"Oh, well, what do you want? We have cake, chicken, wheat, wheat seeds, beef, pork, bread, milk, sugar, sugarcane, apples, and a special of wool." She replied with a bright smile.

I had no idea that a small amout of gunpowder can get you about anything. "I'll take two bread loafs."

"Okay, here. There, I don't think I've ever seen you before. Have I?" She said.

"No, I just appeared here this morning. I don't have a clue where I am!" I said, slightly embarrassed, slightly frustrated.

"Ah, I see. Wow, just woke here this morning and you have gunpowder. Well, this is the world of minecraft. Everyone ends up here eventually. You better go upstairs and go for a hotel. You don't have to trade anything for the first three nights, but after that, they expect you to be ready to leave and be by yourself. Go up the stone stairs in the corner and talk to Janie at the desk." She said.

"Okay." I replied starting to walk away.

"Just one last thing," the waiter said, "Right now, we're on the owner Brooke's land. If you go in her house, mineing pit, or any of her gardens..... just be careful! By the way, my name is Dina. I bet soon, you'll remember your name too. Bye!" She waved.

I walked up the cold stone stairs. Up there, it was dim. I saw the desk with the ladie who must of been Janie. I walked up calmly.

"Hello, I was sent up here from a girl named Dina. She said you are Janie, right? She mentioned something about a hotel too. " I told Janie.

"Ugghh, that girl. Always doing something wrong," Janie muttered, "Anyways, you can stay in the hotel for three days. Your room number is five."

"Okay." I said.

I saw only two rooms. They said room 1 and room 2. I was about to open room 1 when Janie spoke.

"Naha! Up the lader to your left at the end of the hallway." She pointed to a long, long, long, long lader. it had about twenty pieces to it.

I looked up and started to climb up. Why were both those ladies so nice to me, a complete stranger they don't even know? They both looked about in their early 20's. They must not get guys to often. I was up to the hallway. It would of squished me if I was two sizes bigger than what I was.

I went to the end and saw room five. I slid my card Janie gave to me into the slot. I went inside. it was a seven by four room. Perfect size I guess. It had a furnace, a bed, a chest, and a crafting table. In the furnace was a piece of wood, ready to go in flames. I had a nice view of a stone house by a blue lake. I checked out my chest. Inside was a piece of chicken, pork and a apple that was all uncooked. There was a wooden pic ax and sword. I decided to maybe go mineing later.

I saw the sun wasn't out. I realized that I couldn't see it because it was right above the building. Must be noon. I walked downstairs and walked out. Behind an apple tree by the hotel was a waiter, with the name tag: Issie, kissing a dude with blonde hair. They were so into it, they didn't even notice me. Ot must of been Issie's break. And sadly, she wasted it snogging some dude who must of been her boyfriend. Then, her watch beeped.

"Sorry, Bert, I love yah!" She walked right by me into the cafe.

"Love you too babe." And he ran over a hill where I couldn't see him anymore.

Weird! Must not be a better couple than them. I layed down and an apple hit me. I ate it anyways. Then, this girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, a bow in her hair, and pink shirt and shorts, jumped out from that tree. She threw another apple at me.

"Oww!" I moaned.

"Find your own tree. I've been in this one for five days. It was bad enough to see those couple be there. Gosh, another boy, huh! Well, we don't get boys that often. Brooke doesn't let too many here." She shifted from foot to foot.

"Oookkaay? Do you work here!"

"Naah! I've been trying to figure out how to get out of this world. I've been here for a few years. They won't let me talk to Brooke though. My name is Nina by the way and I'm 15 ."

"My name is.......... Aha! Leo, my name is Leo and I am 15 and a half." I remembered.

"Has any girls tried flirting with you at all?" Nina asked.

I thought of Dina and Janie. Were they... Nah, they weren't. "No." I replied.

"Wow, really? That's interesting. " Her eyes sparkled.


"Hey, you should start to make a house out of wood. Here." She handed me a stone ax.


"It is for chopping down trees, it makes it go faster. Don't do it on Brooke's property though. She can get pretty mad and send her close friends and her sister after you. If a guy named William (My bestfriend), Brianna (my sister), or Jonathan (William's brother) come to you, run and hide." And with that, she left.


Hey. Sorry if you hate mincraft. I know, this is me, the evil world controller. Lol. To tell you the truth, I let William aka Greekfreak5, go on my world and he can catch up fast. It was scarry. He had no armor and I did so I took out my iron pic ax and chased him. He went in my cafe and ate a cake. But I didn't work and he wasted a cake (By the way, how do you eat a cake, coment) So Brianna and Jonathan helped me chase him. He died but came for revenge so I got off. Vote comment and share. Thanks you all :D

I finally figured out how to eat cake! Num Num! Just click on the cake a piece will be gone. I have a large just filled all the way with cakes. Hahaha!

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