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Nina's POV

   I thought I was going mad when I opened the door. We tried to jump out, but they just flooded in instead.  Okay, so that may not be my plan, but hey, it works. I slid and slice my sword right through the first pig zombie. It turned to nothing leaving sparkly things fly out from it. I didn't have time to look what it was, I ran and collected it while slicing the next one. This one gave me rotten flesh. In fact, they all did. I didn't care though,

   I just kept slicing and swinging. I glanced over at Leo, Big mistake!  I saw he was shooting arrows at them, but it went slower and they were all expectingit too. Then, something clawed me. I looked on my left shoulder and saw three deep lines in my skin gushing blood. I had three choices, 1. call to Leo for help, 2. keep fighting, or 3. just fall back and bleed to death. I went for number 2. Then, I had a plan.

"Leo"!" I called out, making sure to put my hand over the scratch so he wouldn't see and panic.

"What? There's too many" he yelp after shooting another zombie.

"Go to the hotel, ask for a few guards so they can help us." I sighed.

"No! I won't leave you!" He pulled the string back.

Man he was stubbornly stubborn!

"Yes, we're both going to die if you don't!  Now please," I paused and saw the worrisome look in his eyes "I'll be fine, just go."

"Okay, I'll be back soon, I promise!" He shot one more then shoved his way through to get outside. But the fact was, I won't be fine. I doubt I will ever make it through.

"Okay." I said even though I knew he can't hear me.

   I sliced and swung with all my might. They seemed to never end. It was just one after another trying to claw or bite me. I have no idea if their bites are poisoned or what. I soon realized that my sword was cracking.  It would break soon and without my sword......... I'll never make it.

Leo's POV

   I ran out of the mob. I felt bad leaving Nina along. She may die for all I know, and it would be my fault!  I hung my head in disappointment. I wish I fought with a sword. It was much more faster and painful than a stupid bow. Plus it is more dangerous to use a sword, the more of a reason for Nina to like me. I realized I needed to get going. Nina's life is in my hands. I ran to find more monsters. I shot some and ran from others. I found the hotel. Some bedroom lights were on, most were off. The cafe, of coarse, were on as always. I ran through the door.

"Ma'am, I need a soldier or two!" I sputtered.

"Why, do you need help? I need you to state your problem." she replied, what kind of help is this?

"My friend, Nina," When I said Nina's name, her eyes narrowed and sent glares at me.

"she is in trouble! "I finished.

"Well, what kind of trouble? " she said slowly.

"She is being attacked by a mob, by a HUGE mob of pig zombies!" I starred at her.

"That is part of her task," she smiled "And therefore,  I can't help. No one can help her!" and with that, for the first time, she turned off the lights and left me in darkness as she left to her home.

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