"Who's Vic?"

"Vic is the guy who saved me from this creep who was hitting on me," I told him. "Alan hates him."

"Why would he hate him?"

I shrugged, "I really don't know. All he told me was that Vic's a bad guy or something, but he's not. Or at least, he isn't with me."

"That's weird."

"What is? That Alan hates him?" I asked and Austin nodded, "I know! Because Vic is so, so nice and oh my gosh! He's so freaking cute!" I squealed and grabbed my pillow hugging it tight.

"You're weird too. It's just some boy."

"A really cute boy who took me out for ice cream and walked me home and just-" I giggled. "Aust I think I might like him."

"Oh man. Well I hope he stays nice to you. You deserve a nice boy."

I smiled, "I'm glad you support me being friends with him," I told him happily. "I mean I was really hoping that Alan would be happy that I finally found a guy that I actually like but he's just really mad, today has been the first day he's even spoken to me."

"How long has he not spoken to you?"

"Two days."

"Oh dang."

"I know, it's getting ridiculous."

"Yeah it is."

"But enough about that, what's up?"

"Uh we got a new kid in my church group."

"Oh that's cool, what's his name?"


I nodded, "Is that all?"

"You remember that one girl at school I told you about? She never left me alone and stuff."

"Yeah, what about her? Did she do something?" I asked moving around so that I was laying on my stomach, my legs kicked up as I spoke with him.

"She asked me out today in a weird way."

"How was it weird?" I asked crinkling my nose.

"She pushed me up against the locker and tried to kiss me then asked me out."


"It was gross."

"I bet, girls are gross," I mumbled and noticed something on Austin's nose. "Oh my lord."


"Is that a nose ring?!" I asked my eyes widening.

He smiled, "Yeah. Do you like it?"

"It looks awesome! How'd you get your parents to let you get it?"

"They didn't let me."

"You rebel!" I said, laughing a little.

"They're really mad at me."

"What'd they do when they saw it?"

"Yelled a lot and told me to take it out but I didn't. I like it."

"It suits you."

"Thank you, my older brother did it."

"I'm surprised your parents didn't threaten to send you to boot camp or something."

"They did."

I laughed and shook my head in disbelief. Austin's parents were probably even more strict than Jane and John to be honest, from the few times I've been to his house and from what he's told me, they're insane. 

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now