Chapter 7

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  "Yes." I looked up at him. Just me looking him in the eye made him angrier than he already was. He got ready to swing at me. I instantly closed my eyes and braced myself. I continued to brace myself but the impact of his hand never came. I made a slight surprised whimper and I opened my left eye, to see someone had grabbed his arm before he hit me.

I opened both eyes to see Chance was the one who grabbed his arm. My eyes widened instantly, he was just as angry as his father.

"Don't you ever try and touch my mate like that again." Chance growled lowly towards his father.

I rushed away from them as far as I possibly could as I stared at them in slight horror.

"Oh so you are trying take everything away from me, right?" Alpha smirked at him then at me. I felt a lump lodge in my throat as I tried scooting back more only to hit a wall. I was to horrified to even try and stand up.

Alpha Jax's smirk grew even more, seeing the fear in my eyes. His gaze turned back towards his son. "Come on, take my mate." He provoked his son to attack him first.

Chance looked ready to rip out his jugular as he readied his stance to attack his father. "Once I win you will leave the pack and live the rest of your days as an unwanted rogue." I gasped in response towards his harsh words directed at his father. Chance glanced at me, his eyes softened before hardening into a dark black color once he looked back at his father in disgust. 

Chance was the first attack. He let part of his wolf come out so he could use his wolves, speed, agility and strength against his father. Alpha Jax's did the same but swiftly dodged Chance's forward attack and swung his claws out towards his face. 

Chance stumbled back before pretending to do another forward attack, only to slide under him and scratch at him from behind.

I watched the blood dripped down Chance's face, causing my wolf to howl in fury. She instantly took over and shifted into her full wolf form. Once she completed the transformation she charged towards Alpha Jax with all her strength and speed.

She growled and chomped down on the Alpha's open side as he reached to attack Chance again. Chance smiled at her before he dug his claws into his fathers shoulders to hold him down. 

She let me take control for a bit but before I knew it I was thrown across the wall and hitting a column. A sicking crack pierced my ears right before the ringing. 

Right before I passed out I heard Chance whimper before attacking harder than he was before.




I watched Clinton play pool at the pack's house. I muttered a few things under my breath. "Why do you always have to go so hard on me?" I questioned with a groan escaped my lips. "You know this is only my second time ever playing.

Clinton glanced back at me and smiled. "If I took it easy on you then you would never know if you would need improvement." I rolled my eyes witched earned a soft laugh from Clinton. "Your turn Kai." I rolled my eyes and tried my best to line up my shot with que ball and the seventh ball.

"Remember this is nine ball." I almost took the shot as Clinton interrupted my concentration. I glared back at him and he smirked in response.

I looked back down and lined my shot up again before hitting the seventh ball in then the wight ball. 

I bent down carefully eyeing the eighth ball only to just graze the edge. I growled and moved out the way of Clinton.




I sat up gasping for air only to quickly fall down in pain in my left side. I looked down to see my leg had been lifted up and wrapped in a cast. I looked around the room as I licked my lips. I don't think I have ever been this thirsty in my life. I reached over to grab the glass of water but only to freeze as I felt the warmth of someone's hand against mine. 

I didn't notice this until now, but, Chance was passed out with drool coming out of his mouth with his hand firmly holding mine. I watched him with an 'awe' expression, completely forgetting the thirst in my throat.

Chance groggily woke up and looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on me. The instantly lit up and moved closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?" He quickly asked. I gasped as I saw the scar running across his face. 

"I am okay," I ran my pointer finger lightly across his scar. "What about you?" He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes. 

"I am fine now. But with you hurt and me running pack it has been very hectic." 

"What happened with," I shivered in fear at the thought of him. "A- Jax?" I asked slowly and quietly while gazing into his eyes.

"Well, I knocked him out and had the Beta take him far away." He looked down at our conjoined hands as if to soothe himself.

I smiled and felt the butterflies ignite in my stomach. I enjoyed Chance's much more than I did with Alpha Jax's.

 I closed my eyes in relief and rested my head back against the pillows.


I am not sure if I should end this book now and maybe have an epilogue or write a few more chapters. This story is kind of dragging along and is most likely boring by now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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