Chapter 36

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I hold myself together just long enough to get away from Harry's watchful eyes. When the heavy metal door slams shut behind me I slide down until I'm sitting on the dirty floor, not caring that I'm probably ruining my expensive dress. As I sit there, my head in my hands, I take a few deep breaths before finally letting out the massive sobs I've been choking back since I saw the deed to that house. He ruined everything. He gave me everything I had been waiting to hear from him on a silver platter then stabbed a knife right in my back. I'm so confused. I'm so sure that Harry really does love me now but why would you do something like that to someone you love? It doesn't make any sense.

I feel like I'm suffering from whiplash. I've felt so many emotions in the last 20 or so minutes. When Harry showed up I wanted him to go away just because it hurt too much to sit there and pretend I didn't love him. It was too hard. It's too easy for me to lose my head when I'm with him. I didn't want to betray Liam again. Then he gave me that book and nothing else mattered anymore. I wasn't thinking about Liam. I finally saw how much Harry loved me. I think he's always loved me on some level. And he gets me. Nobody has ever given me a gift that meaningful. It was the final piece of the puzzle I needed to understand him. He's not just his playboy reputation. He's more than just the hair and the dimples and the expressive eyes. He has so much more to offer than his bedroom skills. He's kind, generous, thoughtful, loving, compassionate. He really is special. One of a kind.

That's why I can barely comprehend how he could do something so backhanded and sneaky. Not just to Liam, although that's bad enough. I can't help but feel guilty that I've basically turned Harry against Liam. I ruined a friendship. But in hurting Liam, he destroyed his relationship with me too. I was already resisting trusting him. I wanted to but something in my head told me I needed to be careful. Still, I was so honest with him since this whole thing started. I may have held back my feelings for him at times, but that was only to try to protect him. I didn't want to hurt him more than I had to. To realize he was keeping this secret from me for weeks feels like betrayal. He knew what losing that house did to my relationship with Liam. He had to. What was his reason for holding onto this for so long? Was he just trying to make sure he had me completely under his spell? Was he waiting for me to tell him I love him? I can't shake the feeling that this was all some sort of evil scheme. Like he's been plotting against me. He said himself he couldn't see me move in with Liam, and that's why he bought the house. I feel like he did this to sabotage me. It only hurts more to have all of this revealed after I realized how much I love him. A few weeks ago I probably would have been fine. But now I feel completely shattered.

I hate that I'm still crying over this guy but I am. I can't control it. I know sooner or later Harry is going to open this door. I really don't want to be here crying when he does because I know he'll just take me in his arms and tell me everything will be alright and I'll believe him. I can't let that happen. Still, I can't go back to the party like this. Not without explaining what happened. But I have to get away somehow.

I decide to take a chance and sneak back downstairs, into the bathroom. There are a few girls I don't know standing at the mirror but as soon as they see me they finish up and leave. When I catch a glimpse of myself I see why. My gently tousled waves are now tangled and frizzy from pushing my hair out of my face while I was crying. My perfect winged eyeliner that Lottie worked so hard on is smeared halfway down my face. I'm a mess. But at least this is something I can fix unlike everything else. As I smooth down my hair and wipe away the black smears on my face I start to gain a little bit of control over myself. I still feel like I mess but at least I don't look like one now. I can breathe and the tears have stopped. I grab a paper towel to blow my nose, getting rid of the post crying sniffles I was dealing with. I look almost presentable except for my red eyes and matching nose. I don't have anything on me to fix that. Fortunately, I know someone that does.

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