Chapter 12

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As I'm leaving the video shoot I can't help but be excited. I barely slept last night. The anticipation of seeing Liv was too much. I felt kind of weird seeing Liam again today. Every time I see him I can't help but think about Liv. And what I did with Liv. And how great it was. And how much I want to do it again and again. It's so awkward I can barely even speak to him. Luckily we were shooting group stuff so we were all together all day. So every time Liam tries to talk to me directly I divert the attention off to me and towards one of the other guys. I do it so smoothly I don't think anyone even notices. They were a little suspicious when I told them I had plans and I wasn't going back to the hotel with them but then again it's not like it's unusual for me to do this sort of thing. They probably guessed I was seeing a girl but obviously they didn't know that girl was Liv.

When the car parks in the underground garage I practically jump out and my security guard has to tell me to slow down so he can do his job. He walks me into the lobby and to the elevator before I finally convince him that I don't need an escort upstairs. I drum my fingers on my legs on the ride up, my excitement only building as I go up another floor. By the time I reach the floor that Liv's room is on I practically bound out of the elevator, down the hallway. I find her room quickly and take a few deep breaths before I knock on the door.

When Liv opens the door I think the realization she's actually here and here to see me, finally hits me. I had planned on taking things slow with her tonight. I know she's confused. Hell, I'm confused about what we're doing. But seeing her right in front of me I feel like I can't contain myself. She definitely prepared for seeing me tonight because she looks even more beautiful than normal. Her hair is done in loose waves that frame her smirking face and she's wearing a long thin strapped dress that drags the floor so her bare feet are peaking out. I can't help but let my eyes rest just a beat longer than appropriate on the cleavage the low cut dress gives her. I can't remember anything I was planning on saying so instead I just step forward and take her face in one hand, my other wrapping around her waist to pull her body close to mine.

As soon as my lips touch hers she starts kissing me back, eagerly. I had expected more resistance but instead she seems to be more ready than I am. As her tongue dances with mine her hands creep up my back under my shirt. She lets her nails dig into my bare skin while she tries to pull us even closer together. I realize we're still standing here in the doorway so I take a step forward and close the door without missing a beat. Once the door is closed I spin her around so now her back is against the wall and let my lips drift down to the sensitive skin of her neck as she tilts her head back unconsciously giving me better access. I already know she loves this from the other night so I break out my best moves, letting my teeth graze her earlobe before moving back to her neck. She softly moans while my lips brush the sweet spot right below her ear and when I look up her mouth is slightly parted and her eyes are shut.

"So I guess you didn't get your fill last night huh?" She mumbles while her fingers absentmindedly twist into my hair.

"My what?" I ask, confused but not distracted enough to stop what I'm doing.

"With that girl. Clearly you're still extremely horny." She says with a small laugh.

"I literally have no clue what you're talking about." I tell her, finally pulling back from her neck.

"The girl you went home with last night." She explains but I'm still lost.

"Yeah I don't remember going home with anyone last night."

"C'mon Harry I'm not stupid. I saw you getting into a cab with her. The pictures were all over Twitter." She says, sounding slightly annoyed now. By the change in her mood and the way she steps away so she's no longer in front of me, I can tell it's something that's bothering her.

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