Chapter 9

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When Liv hangs up on me I throw the phone down on the bed and dramatically toss the comforter off my body. I still cannot believe the way she was talking to me and the jabs she was sending my way. I'll admit I wasn't so cordial with her either, but hearing her plans from Niall instead of her really set me off. It made sense why she was distancing herself, dodging my calls and texts specifically about the apartments I'd been working my butt off looking for in the rare off day I actually get now. When Niall called me I was lying in bed still mostly asleep. My alarm was set to go off in another five minutes when he beat me to the punch. Still, when I saw his name and the obnoxious duck face selfie he took back when we first met on New Year's flash across my screen, I couldn't help but smile and answer it.

"Hello?" I croaked groggily before clearing my throat. I tried to be just a little bit more dramatic so I could milk his waking me up as much as possible.

"Mornin babe. Did ya sleep well?" he chirps happily through the phone. From his happy tone and thicker accent I can tell he's had a few drinks and probably just got back to the hotel from being out.

"Yeah until some loser decided to call me five minutes before my alarm went off." I tease him.

"Sorry. I just got back to the room and wanted to chat with ya a bit before I pass out." He says, making me smile. I really miss him and these phone calls, texting, and facetime are all we have right now. We're getting through our little bumpy patch and I'm making an effort to communicate with him more while he's working on not getting worked up if I don't answer him right away. It's been a very different dynamic in that sense considering with the last internship I was in I basically had the freedom and ability to text him whenever. Working at Arsenal this summer now I've been busier than ever, but I absolutely love it. Things have been good with Niall ever since our talk a few weeks back, I really think things may be better than ever, which of course only makes me miss him that much more. Two more weeks and I get to see him, that's what I tell myself every day. I can't wait to go back home for a few weeks and see my family, but mainly Niall. When I first applied with Arsenal it was a summer internship running a lot of camps and pre-season gatherings since the actual season doesn't start until August anyways. In the small bit of time I worked there I was just recently offered a full time job with them for the remainder of the season, which ended in May so I'm contracted through June right now working in an operations and community relations position. I made good friends with the directors in those departments and when they mentioned an opening I jumped on it right away. I was so nervous when I had to do my formal interview with one of the Senior Vice President's I hadn't even told Niall about it until after I was offered the position. I actually haven't even been able to tell Liv about my news with how distant she's been lately. She knew I'd be coming home and to Chicago but the job offer just happened about a week or so ago and she's almost been radio silent, I get the drunk snap chats from her out at the club or wherever she is but nothing else.

"Well isn't that just the cutest thing." I tell him mockingly while I sit up in bed propping myself up against all of the pillows and turning on the lamp next to me, "So tell me about last night. How'd the show go?"

"It was awesome! Livvy's family was all there and so we got to hang out with them a bit before the show."

"I'm still pissed about missing that cookout." I groan through the phone. Liv's family had amazing food and you never left there on an empty stomach. We've both grown so close to each other's families I can't even count how many family gatherings of hers I've been too. But I'm glad Niall has been able to spend time with them more outside of a hospital environment.

"Well you were missed there too don't you worry." He assures me.

"What about Drag Me Down? How did it go?" I ask excitedly. Niall had sent me the song almost immediately after they decided to put it on the album and it quickly became one of my favorites thus far of ones I've heard. I haven't heard all of them but a good majority, I'm hoping when I see him in a few weeks I might be able to hear the rest.

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