Chapter 3

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When we leave Liv and Liam's room Niall and Louis can't help but laugh like little school girls at what we just walked into. I on the other hand, have to struggle to keep my face neutral as we walk down the hall to Niall's room. He gave me a sympathetic look back in the doorway but other than that, he hasn't said anything. Louis is completely oblivious. As I walk behind them I keep my hands clenched, fighting back the anger that's building inside of me. I know I shouldn't be angry that they're together. I knew that. But actually seeing her naked body against his, brought up this intense jealousy I didn't even know I had. And that smirk on her face. It was like she knew what she was doing to me. She could see the lust in my eyes. I know it. I couldn't tear my eyes away. I wanted nothing more than for Liam to move so I could see all of her. From the smirk she gave me, I know she knew it too. It was like she was playing with me. Teasing me. There's no way she would do something like that if she didn't feel something for me. She just won't admit it.

When we get to Niall's room he sits down on the chair with his guitar and starts absentmindedly strumming. Louis lays down on the bed and pulls out his phone. I'm curious about who he's texting but I don't push it. The last time I gave him shit about texting Brianna he got super defensive which I took as my cue to back off that whole situation. With my jealousy still burning in the pit of my stomach, I can't sit down. Instead I just start pacing back and forth in front of the window trying to calm myself down.

The two love birds arrive about 20 minutes later, thankfully fully dressed but her hand is clasped around his so tightly his fingers are practically turning white. And she looks hot too. Ridiculously hot. She's wearing this blue and purple printed skirt. It's long, draping the ground even with the wedges she's wearing but on one side there's a huge slit going all the way up her thigh. On top she's just wearing a plain white tank top but the neck is cut pretty low, showing off some cleavage. And it's tied in a knot on once side exposing a little bit of her stomach. Once I stop myself from staring I realize what she's doing. She's flaunting herself. This girl never ceases to surprise me. Here I thought she had all these ridiculous insecurities about how she looks. But clearly she knows how much her showing up here dressed like that would affect me. And she's rubbing my face in it by clinging to Liam. It only makes me more pissed off.

"So what was so important that you three dicks forgot how to knock?" Liam asks once they've greeted us all and settled on the couch.

"Trust me. Lesson Learned." Niall says, shaking his head at the memory.

"Really? I would've thought you learned the first time." Liv adds, teasing him and making him turn even redder.

"Here I thought you two were so old and boring." Louis comments, giving them a wink.

"Definitely not." Liam says with a smirk and Liv leans over to kiss him on the cheek affectionately.

"Anyways, we wanted to try to work out times when we can rehearse Drag Me Down. We've got three days." I tell him impatiently.

"Well I'm planning on flying to Indianapolis tomorrow so we can visit with her family. You guys aren't coming until Friday right? So that gives us basically today and Friday?"

"Oh shit I forgot about you guys going back to Indiana early. How's that gonna work?" Niall asks, finally putting his guitar down and sitting up.

"Yeah that doesn't give us much time." Louis adds.

"It's not ideal. But we'll make it work." Liam says, uncharacteristically shrugging it off.  Usually he's so anal about rehearsing and making everything perfect.

"Will we really? Do you not remember the first time we did Stockholm Syndrome live?" I remind him. It was a disaster. Forgetting lyrics and messing up notes. Thank god our fans are so loyal because it was horrible.

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