Chapter 32

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When I wake up the next morning Liam is already up and dressed, ready to go. He seems to be in a much better mood today than he has been in weeks. It makes me feel bad for pulling away from him for so long but after last night I'm ready to move forward and put my focus on making us work. We have time say a quick goodbye to Liam's family before we have to meet up with everyone at the airport. We're the last ones there and the plane takes off as soon as we get there. I can feel Harry's glare on Liam and I but I do my best to ignore it. Like he has any room to be mad. He was probably making his moves on some girl as soon as I left. God knows what he was doing last night. But I'm not going to let that bother me. He can do what he wants. I can't think about him like that anymore.

There's no show the first night we're in New York but the boys all go out for Sandy's stag. He's getting married in a few weeks and this is the only chance to do it before then. Us girls thought about going out too but when Lexie suggested a girl's night in in her room it sounded too good to pass up. We watched movies in our pajama's, drank wine and of course talked about boys. Well, Lou and Lottie did at least. I can't trust what'll come out of my mouth so I keep quiet. The whole night it seems like Lexie has a secret she's dying to spill but it never comes out. I'm dying to know what it is but I know she'll tell me eventually. Obviously, we can't keep secrets from each other for too long.

When the boys come back, they're all drunk. Well Liam, Niall, Louis, Sandy, Josh, Jon, and Dan are. Apparently Harry dipped out half way through. Typical. We ask them where all they went but they can't seem to remember enough to put the pieces together. But it's clear what the last stop was. Liam has another new tattoo. This one is on his forearm just above the one he just got on his hand. I guess he really was serious about starting a sleeve. I wasn't sure about it when he first mentioned it at the tattoo shop in Detroit. But now that I see this I'm coming around to the idea. I never thought I liked tattoos but clearly considering the last two guys I've been with my tastes are changing. Harry and Liam are definitely a far cry from straight laced Grant.

The next night there's a show in Philadelphia but we fly back to New York right after. Unfortunately, when we land we realize getting to the hotel is going to be no easy feat. There's a huge crowd of fans at the airport already. They discuss landing us at a different airport, outside of the city but there's no other option. We have to land at JFK. Walking through the airport is the craziest crowd experience I've ever been involved in. There are so many people and they're all running after us. All I can see is hands throwing phones in front of our faces for pictures. I just stay latched onto Liam's arm as security ushers us through the airport trying to keep my face down and my feet moving forward. They do a good job at keeping us safe but I'm relieved when we get to our cars.

When we get to the hotel there are even more people there so we go in through a back entrance. We think we're in the clear then but when we get into the lobby it's obvious that some girls got past security. At this point they don't want to take any chances so they whisk us upstairs to one of our rooms and tell us to stay put until they can get a handle on the situation.

"What do you mean stay put? I was supposed to go out. Can't we at least go to the bar downstairs?" Louis complains when Paddy fills us in on the plan.

"We don't know how many fans got in. Until then, nobody leaves." He explains, giving us a shrug like there's nothing he can do and leaves to go join the rest of the security team.

"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" Louis sulks after the door shuts behind him.

"Get drunk?" Niall suggests making everyone laugh. Of course he would suggest drinking. He's a true Irishman.

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