"Okay, let's go watch a movie." Jonghyun said.

Eun nodded. "Okay!"

Jonghyun took her to the living room. Eun sat in his lap. They watched a long movie. Eun was happy to be in Jonghyun's lap. Jonghyun held her tight. He ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie.

Eun went to Key's room and shook him awake. "You stupid, worthless slut. You ruin everything."

Key looked at his hands. "Sorry,"

"Don't talk to my Jonghyun and don't touch him with your dirty hands." Eun said.

"He's not yours." Key said. Eun got mad and started beating him. Key was too weak to fight back. Eun beat him until he was barely conscious.

"Stay away from Jonghyun." Eun said and stormed out.

Jonghyun woke up and frowned. "Eun?"

Eun came into the living room from the kitchen with some water.

Jonghyun smiled. "There you are."

"Let's go out." Eun said.

Jonghyun nodded. "Where do you want to go?"

Eun shrugged.

"Okay, let me check on Key first."

"You'll wake him. Let him sleep." Eun said.

Jonghyun sighed. "Okay," He held Eun's hand and they left.

Eun smiled. They went to the mall. Jonghyun let Eun get whatever she wanted. He then picked out clothes and things for Key as he looked around.

Eun didn't noticed. "We should get Christmas gifts."

"Okay," He got lots of gifts for Key and the others.

Eun smiled and helped. They finished and bought everything and went home. Eun wrapped everything right away.

Jonghyun went to Key's room to wake him up but Key wasn't there. "Key?!" He ran out and went to Onew's room. "Key's gone!"

Onew panicked. "What?!"

"I went to Key's room and he's not there!" Jonghyun was shaking.

"Maybe he's somewhere else in the house."

"Okay," They started to look. Jonghyun was freaking out. "Key! Key please come out!"

Onew found a note. "He went to school."

Jonghyun sighed in relief. "I'm going to go and watch him."

"He's really weak. He shouldn't be at school at all." Onew said.

Jonghyun nodded. "I'll go find him. Can you come with me?"

Onew nodded. Half way there Onew got a phone call from the school saying Key had passed out at school.

Jonghyun sighed. "I'll go pick him up at the nurse and you can check him out."

Onew nodded. He checked Key out as Jonghyun got him. Key was conscious and walking on his own.

Jonghyun picked him up. "You shouldn't have left. You're completely bruised. Who's hurting you?"

Key tried to pull away.

Jonghyun frowned. "Key, please talk to me."

Key didn't respond. Onew sighed. "Let's take him home."

Jonghyun nodded. He held Key all the way home. Once they got home, Jonghyun sat Key on the couch. "Key, please tell me. I don't want to see you hurt anymore."

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