Start from the beginning

"I called you four times, Nell." He mumbled.

"Is that what this is about?" She said, confused.

"Kind of!" He raised his voice, pouting as he crossed his arms. Nellie frowned along with him, the girl feeling even worse for all she had done that night, as well as automatically making Michael feel bad for what he may or may not have done. She was his best friend and she was supposed to be there for him even when he made a mistake, and especially when he called more than one time before one in the morning.

"God, Michael, I'm sorry." She said, shaking her head gently as she drove down the street, the boy continuing to frown. She didn't take the time to consider what Michael needed when she noticed him calling and it only made her feel a million times worse on top of what had already happened that night.

"Where the hell were you?" He asked, sounding sad as he said the words. Nellie sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter as he asked her this, the girl not wanting to answer truthfully. She knew she would have felt awful if she lied to Michael, especially with how upset he already seemed. Nellie paused for a moment, frowning before she answered his question honestly.

"Wilson's." She said, quietly, Michael looking at her with wide eyes before he laughed coldly at her response. Michael hated Wilson, and for good reasons. Wilson was the boy on the magazine and he still called Nellie up whenever he was lonely because he knew she would come. He knew she still loved him and Michael knew he thrived off of it. Wilson made Michael sick all because he continuously played Nellie for the fool she was.

"You're kidding me right?" He asked rhetorically, shaking his head as he did it. "Fucking Wilson's—of course it was that guy."

"Michael, I'm so sorry—"

"Why, Nellie? Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" Michael asked, the boy still using a loud tone with her as she felt tears line the edges of her eyes like troops setting up for war. She rubbed her eye with one hand, Michael still feeling anger as he sat next to her waiting for an answer. Nellie didn't have one right away, which only pissed him off more; Nellie noticed this, the girl feeling her throat getting tight as Michael glared at the street ahead of them.

"God." Michael laughed, sarcastically. "You don't even have an answer."

"Because, Michael, I don't know." Nellie yelled. "I don't know why I keep doing it, okay? Jesus Christ, you act like you're so perfect, but I know damn well you said something to provoke him." Nellie said, annoyed, her knuckles turning white from the grip on her steering wheel as her and Michael began to yell at each other for the wrongs each had commit to one another, as well as to themselves and others.

"What? Like you actually care for his feelings?" Michael said, glaring at her as she tried to make herself out to be less of a bad guy than she really was.

"He's a person! He still has them, so you know what? I do. I care for his feelings." Nellie yelled, making Michael scoff and roll his eyes as the girl pulled into a parking lot. Michael looked out the window to see his own apartment building standing tall next to them. He glanced at Nellie as she sat there with her arms crossed, the boy still feeling angry at her as she waited for him to leave.

"Wilson got money and stopped caring, what makes you think Luke won't?" Michael asked, quietly, Nellie only shaking her head and Michael's comment. She felt like he was having some sort of miscommunication as he said it to her, the girl thinking that she hadn't really felt anything for Luke as she sat there and thought about it. Michael only looked at her as he waited for her answer. Nellie only unlocked the car, keeping her eyes on her steering wheel as Michael's gaze ripped into her.

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