Part Fifteen

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Me and Bob looked down a massive ravine, it had to be 10 miles deep, 3 miles wide, and miles more long. It was now a total of 5 days since Day X, it was what Bob and I Referred to the Xeno attack as.

We where also a total of Ten weeks from Zima, most of it was snowy mountains, the only mountain range on Meladine.

"That ravine is huge." I observed.

"You bet it is, we have to go around it." Replied Bob.

"Wish we had gravity spikes." I thought aloud wishful.

Gravity spikes, they where given to special forces soldiers to be able to manipulate gravity in a variety of ways. Most where the size of a large knife, it aloud you to quite basically wall run.
I bet if we could build  one big enough we could have a planet implode.

Another one of those Xeno Colony ships entered the atmosphere above us. Me and Bob ducked down and crouch walked towards the southern edge of the ravine.

My hair moved a slight bit in a gentle breeze, it was bitter cold outside and my face was red from it. And my nose was getting runny, uhg.

Suddenly a white creatures took a dive at me and Bob hit it with a beam from his las rifle, the beam blue from the sun. It screaches loudly and fell backwards dead from a hole through its side.

I nodded at Bob and we took off at a sprint.

Animals where nothing to worry about. Why? There were none.

After running for hours we finally reached the end of the ravine. And what I saw horrified me at how fast they where building. There was a city! A city! With buildings taller than Stadt Riech. And more of them, the hell, how where they building so fast?!

That's when I saw a patrol of Xenos running towards us. The one in front of the diamond like formation spreads its wings and buzzed towards us incredibly quickly. As I raised my rifle I realized that the r doesn't have a sight, it's all aimed from the helmet. Well Fuck me right?

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