Part Nine

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My head hit a rock and even through the helmet I felt the impact and the pain afterwards. Then a crash that was almost deafening.

I blinked a few times and looked at a crashed star wing fighter. If memory serves me it got it's name from how when white light hits it it glimmers like a star.

I groaned as Bob got off me. The fighter crashed right where I was.
"T-thanks." I stuttered and got up. Bob suddenly slapped me.
"Get your head in the game! You wouldn't of survived that!" Bob scolded as he pointed at the star wing.
"I uh, yeah." I felt weird having a private scold me. We got moving again Bob muttered something about his hand hurting.

As we reached the middle of the city I saw a sight that sent chills throughout my body. Thousands of civilians being huddled into a corner with soldiers and tanks surrounding them. It was a pointless attempt to try and survive. Bob and I walked into a building and crouched behind some nocked over tables. It had been a coffee shop. With rich people living their lives without fear. I suddenly hated everyone in that circle.

They had life fine and dandy when in the backwaters you had to worry about disease,criminals, food, and water.

Any man that could was taking up arms, whether it was rocks,pistols, sticks, anything at all to protect their families.

I suddenly thought of Alexus and Donny. I silently cried as I thought of them being torn apart, Delta system didn't have much more protection then here.
I thought humanity is dead, gone, obliterated.

Bob must of sensed what I was thinking.
"Don't think like that, we will make it through this." He said with somehow a happy tone.

"How can you say that?! We are being wiped out!" I was angry now.

"Stop yelling. You'll burst my eardrums numskull." He spoke without a hint of annoyance.

"Sorry, I'm just scared."

"Don't worry I am too."

I looked at the crowd of civies and troops as they got descended upon. Blood, metal, screams, black scales, and green goop was all I saw and heard for five minutes. They had no chance, we had no chance. It was all I could think.

"Damn, thank God we weren't in there."


"Hey!" Bob tapped me and pointed to a skyscraper, they where trying to evac survivors that way. I looked at the thousands of corpses, except for a few of the white creatures picking through the corpses there was nothing left.

"Alright let's go."

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