Part Three

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Major Grant was briefing all the ADST or Atmospheric Drop Shock Troopers squads on their missions. The squad I was in, Epsilon squad, was to drop behind enemy lines to attack them from behind to help defend Alpha Base. We where in a corner, and by we I mean Captain Charles, Lieutenant Aiden, me, Corporal Christian, and Private Bob.

We are a...odd group, we have the by the book leader Charles, My best friend and drug dealer Christian, and an ex-scientist Bob. Bob has never said why he left science behind and joined the ADST. And then I'm just a normal guy.

Grant had said something about Xenos, not the human word, the Kino one meaning destroyer of all life. That gave me the chills.

"Good luck boys, you're gonna need it."

With that Major Grant exited the room.

"Alright boys let's get going." commanded Charles.

We all walk through the air base to the hanger. It had about twenty Demantra class drop ships, they had four drop pods on the bottom of the hull, seventy nine millimeter cannons on each side two facing forward two facing backwards,two engines and two wings with two engines on the sides, and a small shield generator.

We had geared up in B-suit combat armor, grabbed our las rifles or r as they're called, and enough supplies and ammo to last three months. Our armor had room to store up to four months, but we decided to run lighter.

We loaded into one of the drop pods and strapped in. The pod was dark, then a red light came on. It took an hour to arrive where we were being deployed, the other three squads had been deployed in that time.

I took the time to look at a picture of my family. The woman, my wife Alexus had a freckled face, beautiful brown eyes, and blazing red hair. My only child and son, Donny had his mom's freckles, but my blonde hair and my green eyes.

Suddenly Bob spoke up:"How do you think they got through our fleet, it should've been more then enough for any Kino fleet..."

"We don't know, but star hammers ain't invincible." Charles replied.

"But they're damn hard to kill." Christian piped in.

The red light turned green and I put away the photo I had stared at for an hour.

"Alright you guys are go for drop, dropping in 3...2...1 detacted." said the intercom as the pod detached and flew towards the ground at break neck speeds.

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