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- Jc

He looked so ridiculous and cute, inhaling and blowing out the smoke of the blueberry scented blunt.

"Enjoying life?" I ask him with a small chuckle seeing he was trying to put it down somewhere. It was his first time getting high, he's going to act stupid as hell.

"Hell yeah" he laughed looking over at me and I take it from his fingers. "Why do I feel so good...." He said as I took a puff.

"Because its weed, marijuana. It makes you feel great" I chuckle at his behavior. It doesn't phase me as much because I've always done it. Ever since I was 14.

He nods "let's go inside. Those people are looking at us" he said as I nod grabbing his hand. "I feel drunk, but I can control myself" he laughed a bit making me laugh.

We went inside and into my room once again. It seems as if he's faking half of this but then it seems so real. He's so cute, his cheeks getting rose red every time he laughs, the way he laughs makes me bubbly.

We just met, I will know him forever and he'll know me only till tomorrow. "You should rest Ki" I chuckle seeing him putting his hair in different ways.

"I don't want to rest though..." His whole tone changed into hurt almost. He looked down at his wrists "if I rest I will forget you, I will forget these are here until I bump my arm like a dumbass. I don't want to forget you Jc" he then looked up at me "I want to remember you. Forever, how happy you already make me. How you agree with what I do and match up with ms perfectly"

"Kian I will remind you everything tomorrow, just sleep. You seem exhausted anyways" I sigh.

"Even if you remind me it's not like I'll remember it the next day will I?" I saw tears at the edge of his eyes. I quickly sit down wiping them with my thumb.

"Kian trust me, I will make you remember" I say a bit louder, trying to get it through his head. But he just looked down letting his head hang.

"Kian please trust me. You said I had it too remember! I made myself remember some how, I'm trying to think of what I did so I can do the same to you. I want to help you" I add picking his head up but all he did was yank my hands away.

"I've tried everything I can to make myself remember! Everything! Even how hard I try, how hard I hit my head against the wall. It doesn't work. I'm on the edge Jc" he stood up over looking me.

"I'm on the edge of calling everything quits" he said before walking back out grabbing his shoes and small leather jacket. "I'll be back in the morning. At least i'll remember you cause I'll stay awake" and with that he walked out.

serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now